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  1. How certain are you that your source is spot on is being legit with you? if it is this I’m happy enough even if I’m not sure of Korn as full blown headliners. The other two are spectacular bookings though
  2. Me being blind here, but who are the logos next to bowling for soup, & below the used?
  3. I don’t exvlevt you to confirm anything (nor am I 100% that you’re honest) but from your wording there, can we take it that you’re rather happy with what you’ve seen?
  4. Friday and Sunday look a great time, that Saturday is dull as dishwater though. Very believable prediction that
  5. So slam dunk lineup is out so you can rule out some bands, though looking at their lineup this year there aren’t many I would have expected at download as it is
  6. Pretty underwhelmed even with two of my favourite bands headlining stages (wonder years & I prevail) feel like I’ve seen every remotely interesting band on the bull over the last couple of years, the only quite fun surprise is head automatica which would be a laugh: people will be happy with AAR but I stand by them being one of the worst bands I’ve ever seen live (and that was at give it a name in 2007)
  7. Seems those “insiders” with the leak are pretty spot on as they kept saying the 7th for the announcement. Best get listening to the newer stuff by all 3 headliners then. Not thrilled but it is what it is
  8. The issue with that is queens are in no way an exciting band and are far from a young band. I listened to them when I was a kid and I’m a 32 year old dad
  9. Not a chance do they have more crossover appeal than Fall Out Boy
  10. From this the QOTSA rumour seems possible, I’m just hoping they’re in a sub/second slot with something exciting to follow Would not be shocked to see Offspring, Bad Omens, Megadeth, Bruce & even babymetal all making appearances
  11. 99% of these people have no source and are just using history to figure out things so if it comes true they look to have legitimacy. I spoke to someone I know who’s done graphic design work in the past for livenation and apparently they’ve heard the poster is ready to go but that’s as close to any news I’ve heard
  12. At this stage I’ll be shocked if any leak is correct but if the current one pans out I’ll be disappointed honestly been a fan of all 3 at times and FOB will be a laugh, but A7X seem iffy live z& the new album was what it was, queens while technically good live and some decent tunes, but bland aren’t they
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