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About Steeeeve71

  • Birthday 06/03/1971

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  1. Rick and Foo Fighters combo!
  2. LOL, I'm not a fan but me and my (adult) kids loved his set last year. Great upbeat way to end the weekend. I do struggle to wear my festival t-shirt from 2023 though, just can't walk around with Robbie Williams pasted across my back 😂🤦‍♂️
  3. I couldn't find a topic for Cropredy Festival https://www.fairportconvention.com/. Please point me if it already exists. Anyone in this forum a regular attendee? What's the vibe and is it well-run? I've never been, but tempted for a long time, wondering whether I should go for all three days in 2024. Thanks muchly 🙏
  4. Hope not. My son is planning to get a resale ticket cheap again, closer to the date. I won't have the nerve and will pay full price early in the new year 😳😅
  5. Second this 👆 I did Friday and Saturday of Mad Cool this year for the first time. Great fun. QOTSA were brilliant. RHCP were good. Liam was quality. Flow of poeple inside was a bit mental between acts, no real organisation. And the walk from the metro station was looooong. Disn't start until 6pm each day, which was good because the weather was mentally hot.
  6. I've lost count, that must be over 10 years of trying and failing. Still, nice to have discovered this forum. Every cloud... Congrats to those who got tickets 👍
  7. Same URL when getting SOLD OUT message?
  8. It's all feeling a bit familar... and never ends well
  9. https://glastonbury.seetickets.com/event/glastonbury-2023-deposits/worthy-farm/2500000
  10. So the consensus is that refreshing the screen often is a good thing? I read earlier that this can be bad and you get thrown to a fake waiting screen 😬
  11. I think you've replied to the wrong thread! 14 mins to get your brain in gear 😉😅
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