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  1. Spiral Low makes a good point that the Opus headliners have finished before Apex for the last couple of years. Last time I went to a second stage headliner (about 6-7 years ago) that wasn't the case. Any chance they'll revert to a timeslot that gives a genuine second headliner alternative, given the reaction to the Apex headliners? Ask your mate for us Judas Yeast 😉 I guess the counter argument would be that you'd risk emptying the field at Apex a bit.
  2. Agree with all the above. Think it will come down to second stage headliners for me. I've got earlybird but will likely sell that. Might go for a day depending on the splits but at the moment I think that's unlikely.
  3. This is the kind of content I come to the forums for! There's still a tiny irrepressible bit of me trying to persuade myself it's all an aggressive disinformation campaign by Download, leaking a fake poster to mess with us after what happened last year... And yes I know I know, the leak's definitely legit, I'm setting myself up for more disappointment even by wondering etc. I just can't help it! P.S. add this to the grasping at straws list - is it winding anyone else up that Fall Out Boy doesn't look like it's lined up in the middle properly?! No? Just me in the OCD wishful thinking gang!?🤣 Haven't had the ruler out like. Honest.
  4. Interesting that Lonely the Brave have commented "Hi🙋🔥" on Download's Instagram Post about tomorrow's announcement. I believe the leak but seems odd seeing as they're not on the poster.
  5. Yeah just wondered if there was a reason for the sudden certainty.
  6. Has there been a leak to confirm (beyond what we've already been thinking)?
  7. I still think Sum-41 are a shoe in. Last time they played, Deryck told this story about how he had a photo of their Download second stage crowd by his bed in hospital and that was the thing that made him decide to... (insert inspirational comeback story). If it's a final tour, I think they might've actively sought Download out as a last UK date. I've got them headlining the second stage.
  8. Bit of fun on a dreary Thursday though eh? If it's cr*p we're gonna be disappointed either way. May as well have a few days of hoping!
  9. Forgive the late to the party question, but have we already discounted Def Leppard for any particular reason?
  10. That's the kind of gold I was after! Something to cling onto until next Tues... Mind you it's the hope that gets ya...
  11. Are we all taking A7X/FOB/QOTSA as cast iron now? Anyone out there still not given up hope that there might be another headliner in the mix? Surely someone can give us a decent alternative to hope for over the next few days at work...?
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