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Everything posted by Rosh_Bothman

  1. What on earth is this logic? Yes the festival can offer money but if the act doesn't want to play for whatever reason then the festival can't force them. Do you expect the festival to just keep increasing their offer until the act finally decides to play?
  2. It's just getting a bit old the constant whining about bands that aren't there, when instead you could be focusing on the bands that are playing. Yeah it would have been nice if the bands you listed were playing but they aren't so best to get over it really
  3. Park would make sense. If it can have Max Richter, then it can have Nils Frahm
  4. Oh how comes? difficult to get to or something else?
  5. Is the venue it's at next year a good or bad one?
  6. Separating art from the artist? That would require W*n Butler being able to create something that even resembles art in the first place. Primavera can do better than wasting money on a bunch of has-beens.
  7. All that just to watch a sexual predator that you've already seen before??? Eww
  8. Massive Attack have said the show in Bristol will be their first in the UK. So won't be at Glasto sadly
  9. Embarrassing. People complain about Primavera but look at this sh*t lol
  10. So when's the Porto lineup coming? They did say today, yes?
  11. What? 23 artists to see in a single day is good, no? Aside from all the clashes
  12. You could stay in a hostel which would be cheaper, or you could just go to another festival since clearly this one doesn't appeal to you?
  13. Hmm i've seen them saying soon but nothing about this week, unless I've missed it. But hopefully you are right!
  14. Somewhere out there, in a parallel universe, there's a Primavera Sound which has Massive Attack, The Smile and LCD Soundsystem on the lineup. In that world there are people whinging on the internet because Pulp, Lana del Rey and Beth Gibbons are not playing 🤡
  15. Good evening, I have posted here in the past but had trouble accessing my other account so made a new one. Anyway, I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the lineup and it does seem a bit childish - many are judging it based on what's not on the lineup rather than what is there. Too many of us spend our time fantasising about who may be there and obsessing over various rumours/predictions, so we build unrealistic expectations. Then when the lineup finally arrives, we are either disappointed because the acts we had hoped for aren't there, or the acts we want are there but it doesn't feel like as much of a surprise because we've already discussed them loads. I would have loved for The Cure to be there - they are one of my favourite bands ever - but I realise it was just a wish and I have to just accept they aren't playing, and hope they'll play another year instead. I'm not going to get angry at Primavera because of their absence. If you actually bother to explore the lineup, you'll find there's plenty of good stuff on there to appeal to different tastes. Sure, it might not be as commercial as some of the previous editions (although the likes of Lana, SZA, Mitski etc are still big names) and I've seen people whining about such things as the lack of a Latin headliner for example - but you seem to forget it's only fairly recently that PS decided to go in a more "commercial" direction, and they have since said they are trying to return to their roots. So maybe the real Primavera isn't for you and you should find something else - I wouldn't go to a metal festival forum and complain about the lack of electronic artists on the lineup. Another issue is that people keep blaming the fest for certain acts not being booked, without considering that there are other factors involved too - like maybe The Smile aren't available or maybe they didn't want to play or maybe another Spanish festival has booked them instead. Also, I get some people are disappointed because they paid for early bird tickets and don't like the lineup but that's just the risk you took and need to accept that. It's like gambling ain't it? Anyway, while you lot are whinging that its not perfect, me and my pal @scatteredscreensare gonna be having it large at ✝️ JUSTICE ✝️ Peace out
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