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  1. EthelBailey

    2025 Headliners

    Hi all. Wait. What have I missed!? So are we saying that the post yesterday is legit and at the minute it’s Olivia, Fred and Rihanna? I just thought it was AI or something…
  2. EthelBailey

    2025 Headliners

    Given Emily’s stance on trying to get more female headliners, I’d be shocked if they book 3 male headliners especially so close to 2023. With Rihanna, I did see she said it would be crazy to not release an album in 2023. I think in a Vogue interview just after the Super Bowl, perhaps. Same year as the rumoured Glastonbury booking. Then fell pregnant. Delaying an album/tour cycle. If she’s about next year, I think she’s our best bet. Presume if she tours in 2025, dates would be announced by the end of the year. That could give us some kind of clarity. Time will tell.
  3. EthelBailey

    2025 Headliners

    Friday - Fred Again. Saturday - Rihanna. Sunday - Oasis. What do we think?
  4. EthelBailey

    2025 Headliners

    I did see yesterday Rihanna was photographed entering a recording studio in NYC. Shows she’s active in recording ‘something’ at least…
  5. EthelBailey

    2024 Headliners

    ‪Going back to that ye old Rihanna rumour. Apparently, she’s been rehearsing this week for a wedding in India for some super rich billionaires. Shows she’s ’about’.
  6. EthelBailey

    2024 Headliners

    I agree. In my opinion, Rihanna is a possibility. She may not be ‘American’ but she’s based in the States. Along with her team. Emily wouldn’t say ‘big Bajan artist’ as that would simply give it away. Booking Rihanna would be huge deal since she’s been out of the game for 8 years and has arguably the best pop catalogue in the past 20 years.
  7. EthelBailey

    2024 Headliners

    I think given Rihanna’s name being mentioned again (however by Daily Mail 🤬👀), she’s the one that might happen. Heavily rumoured to release a new album in 2024 and a headline slot at Glastonbury after she’s been out the game for around 8 years, they’d bill it’s a big return. Who knows.
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