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  1. Think it's also a funding thing - With all the news outlets reporting the lack of money in the Festival scene at the moment going with 1 big and 2 smaller headliners seems like the new trend
  2. Just to add fuel to the fire i've been told from a Source that works behind the scenes at KnotFest/Roadrunner that Korn are headlining Obviously wouldn't expect anyone to believe me but that's my piece of info at the moment If that's true i'd be surprised by this especially with the slot that Limp Bizkit were given last year
  3. New Weather update is not looking ideal right now, hopefully we get something more positive over the weekend! 😰
  4. New updates looking fantastic, can't wait to have a Growler in hand! Hoping for Round The Twist to be more of a singalong old school songs place rather than a Techno area during Afterdark hours! Just seen Mannequin Pussy have dropped out - Spain without the S
  5. Hopefully a couple sneaky additions - I remember English Teacher got added a day before or on the day last year? Always welcome
  6. I'll be front and centre for bdrmm and Mannequin Pussy
  7. Saw Mannequin Pussy over the weekend in Manchester - Really would recommend for anyone that is on the fence about seeing them, great performance but not for the faint hearted - they don't hold back! Will be insane in the Far Out tent
  8. Really good couple of days - I only did the Sat/Sun but very well ran festival, felt like everything ran alot smoother compared to 2022 when navigating the site, Outdoor stage was a success minus the Manchester Weather also Shame about Balance and Composure going to the early sunday slot but everyone still went mental for it, highlight for me was Joyce Manor and Have Heart where i ate the concrete after a stage dive Hopefully get another couple big acts next year, hoping for Alexisonfire personally! (Also shout out to the security team, incredible as always such good people and aware like no other in such a hectic situation)
  9. Fitting into the trend my Current 10 - Bdrmm (Which i'm surprised to not see on many lists) Jesus & The Mary Chain Wednesday Hotline TNT Maruja BC/NR Mannequin Pussy Sampha Osees Big Special Special Mentions to Blondshell, Bar Italia, Lime Garden & JOHN
  10. Should be fine - Again from 2022 the only time this reached capacity that I remember unless someone has a better memory was in-between the Basement and Turnstile set change - So i'd expect Have Heart to reach capacity. This was the indoor main stage however so might be some changes to the capacity with the new stage.
  11. Yeah i think so - where the vendors were in 2022 / Layout is going to be a real strange one I remember a friend going to a Techno festival at Bowlers in 2023 and they mentioned an outdoor stage - found a festival review, maybe this will be a similar set up (pure guess work)
  12. App from last year has been updated to suit the Indoor and Outdoor Stages for 2024 - Looks like a Basement headline over Have Heart which is a surprise going off the list on Saturday
  13. TC & The Groove Family are one i'll be there for, but for myself it's good for discovery, nice area in the day if it's warm to get some shade - really nice cocktail bar inside and near a few vendors. Usually if I'm waiting for food and like the sound i'll catch the rest of the set. However After Dark there's always some good stuff on in CW!
  14. Sorry to be that guy - But where does it say this, had a quick search through their socials and couldn't see anything? Interesting to see the set up this year! Basement into Turnstile 2022 was the hottest i've ever been at a gig.
  15. New names for APE - Few possibilities for GM fillers, could see Wisp in the same slot as Julie on the Far Out last year.
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