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A Particular Grey Chihuahu

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  1. Strangely, my biggest regret was bit going to see SZA. I listened to her beforehand and thought she sounded really cool, but I didn't feel like facing a huge Pyramid Stage crowd at the time (LOL). I probably could've arrived ten minutes in and walked to the front!
  2. I'm still too fuzzy to go through everything, but my plans went out of the window. My highlights for each day were: Big Special, Otoboke Beaver, Balming Tiger. All of which I didn't plan on seeing. What an amazing festival!
  3. Just returning the favour with the downvote. What did I say that offended you, just out of interest?
  4. It's my first Glasto so I'm not an authority on the matter, but from what I've seen on site and what I've read on the forum in the lead-up, it feels like everyone has been well distributed this year. There don't seem to be any silly bookings that's going to suck everyone in.
  5. Packed and ready to go. Travelling to my friend's place in Banbury today, so this is me signing out I guess 🤩
  6. I'm planning to sleep 5-10am. Is that a decent plan?
  7. This will be my first. I feel like I won't have any stories like the people who had their 1st in the "good ole days" but I'm sure I'll have a good time 😊
  8. Yes, and not everyone has the time to sift through every act and check to see if you like them or not, so I think it's fair enough to say there's nothing that you particularly want to go to.
  9. I think I'll take it for the mornings then (it's just a diddy wind up thing, so won't weight me down too much anyway) 🙂
  10. Should I take a little radio with me for any announcements and stuff? Or will I just never get round to listening because of everything else?
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