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Iphigenia last won the day on July 17

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About Iphigenia

  • Birthday 11/11/2003

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  1. Iphigenia

    The churnups

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czdp9y7ree5o Speaking of The Churnups, this story is disappointing. It annoys me when people paint themselves as so wholesome and nicey nicey then do sh*t like this. Even how he breaks the news is so sickly nice. I liked him, but turns out he's another scumbag 😠
  2. Iphigenia


    Same here. I had to check if it was some sort of scam. I can't help but feel like I'm being subjected to a gigantic marketing attack, just seeing the black and white "Oasis" logo everywhere I look 🤔😅
  3. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    Well, same again, you ask for further info, and every time I provide it, it's ignored. What more can I do? Have a lovely weekend everyone.
  4. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    Nothing wrong with asking questions, but you seem to be winding your neck in now. More than one of you were coming across as arrogant and rude, which is why I was being snappy back. I know text can sometimes be misconstrued though so I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and draw a line under it. My concept was more of a general philosophical idea, but I can list a few off the top of my head (but if you don't know classical music, you only have to Google to see successful acts, how many people they regularly bring in, etc). Vienna Philharmonic, London Symphony, Chicago Symphony, Royal Concertgebouw. Any of these coupled with guests from the pop world, West End theatre productions, ballet acts, and opera singers, would be a perfect Sunday night headliner. It would be so powerful, and akin to the effect that Jay Z had on the festival after all the naysayers stuck their knives into the festival for booking him. That's what I'd do anyway. There are other slants you could put on it. I know a lot of people have become accustomed to hearing one name "Elton John" or one band "Coldplay" as being put out there as the headliner, and it might feel scary when that doesn't happen. But there are whole musical worlds out there that Glastonbury is barely touching.
  5. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    No point in me wasting time repeating things I've already said. You need to take the time to read my previous posts properly, although I know you won't because you just want to ignore my point and follow an imagined narrative in order to try to make me feel like I'm stupid. The trouble with that is I know that's not true and everyone knows that the type of people who do that are trying to compensate for something they're lacking. I'm not going to make your limitations my problem by going over old ground 😂🤣 Open your mind and look at the facts is all I ask. I never wanted a simple suggestion to become personal. I'll say no more because I don't want to disturb your little echo chamber.
  6. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    Well you're trying to get me to justify something I didn't say, due to your previous confusion as to what "performing arts" means. Go check the last time you quoted me and catch up a little bit, then we could probably have a more coherent discussion. I see a non-musical act as a possibility, yes (there is a precedent for non musical slots on the Pyramid Stage - not many, but if there were it wouldn't be trying something new, would it?), but you're forgetting that a lot of theatre does in fact have musical elements too. And of course, the classical genre is an option, as I have previously stated. Which is musical, I think you'll agree.
  7. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    Do you know that music IS a performing art? If the Glastonbury organisers was as narrow-thinking as some people on here, the festival as we know it wouldn't be here today. The classical and theatre markets are huge, and filled with very talented people. And as for "moving away from musical artists" goes, the Pyramid Stage already does that regularly. All I'm saying is, it's worth a try with one Pyramid headline slot, especially if they're starting to book traditional headliners that are missing the mark anyway. There's nothing to lose. It would take that "Pyramid Headliner" pressure off the organisers, and they know their loyalists (a lot of whom are on here (sycophants?)) would praise the festival no matter what. Worst case scenario? Another SZA. Having said that, it wouldn't be a big risk. There are acts out there that are huge despite being out of the typical festival-goer's realms of comprehension.
  8. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    Well, you saw what happened when a traditional artist with a billion streams headlined. Isn't that evidence that something isn't working? And I'm guessing you're not part of the team that splashes the Proms all over the BBC every year 😅 Abandon their principles? It's a festival of performing arts. What principle would they be abandoning? Glastonbury have always been at the forefront of trying something new. Who else would have Jeremy Corbyn speaking on their main stage? (Who, for the record, drew ten times the crowd SZA produced)
  9. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    Oh yeah, which orchestra was that? Vienna Philharmonic? I think a lot of people on here who grew up getting off their face and dancing around to Happy Mondays probably don't have much of a grasp of wider musical delicacies that other people have sampled. Let's face it, the musical spectrum discussed here is very narrow, and Glastonbury is very middle class now.
  10. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    I think you're all forgetting how painfully few people were there for the super trendy modern act SZA. I think lessons have to be learnt about the Glastonbury audience after that one. The BBC would eat up a big orchestra headlining with an ensemble cast of special guests (even contemporary musicians singing with classical backing). I guarantee you that would bring in more of a crowd/more viewing figures. Because, let's face it, it wouldn't couldn't draw less of a crowd, could it?
  11. Iphigenia


    It's the "he is now following you" notification that I got from him that made it creepy.
  12. Iphigenia

    2025 Headliners

    I think it's time for a "thinking outside the box" headliner. A theatre production, ballet, or full orchestra, or something along those lines. It would make Glastonbury unique to all the other festivals, and it will adjust people's expectations and alleviate some of that pressure that Emily Eavis must feel.
  13. Iphigenia


    Downvoting definitely uncalled for. Especially when you're getting downvoted ahead of the creepy scammer.
  14. Stewards handing out those little silver spanner thingies instead of Coldplay wristbands 😅
  15. What next? A pop up IKEA stall for deck chairs? 😅
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