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Everything posted by Iphigenia

  1. No, the terms can mean whatever that particular place wants it to mean, or the two terms usually overlap. And it's not entirely true that there are no exclusive places to watch the music from at Glastonbury. For example, the balconies above the Pyramid Stage. A friend of a friend won a competition to see a set from there a while back, and he was saying how he was hobnobbing with all the stars (or VIPs, if you will) and I know there are places like that at other stages too. I'm not saying Glastonbury isn't better than other places, it definitely is, but at the same time, don't fool yourself. Don't over glorify the festival.
  2. Good gravy, the BBC weather app for Pilton is looking more promising than last time I looked 😚
  3. Seventeen could potentially go into orbit (as far as worldwide goes).
  4. ...or they both just mean the same thing and they chose one, like literally everyone else does.
  5. Dua Lipa 128 The National 135(-10) Justice 246 Fontaines D.C 205
  6. I agree with you. But saying hospitality instead of VIP doesn't solve any problems. It just just puts a mask on them.
  7. I didn't come up with the term VIP. If you go to any big venue, whether it's a gig or a sporting event, people can pay more for a hospitality/VIP ticket to get a better seat, food, a special bar, backstage access, a massage...it doesn't matter if you call it VIP or hospitality, it still means the same thing. But you can call it hospitality if it makes you feel better. Geez. Just being able to buy a regular Glastonbury ticket is pretty exclusive tbh!
  8. Google doesn't seem to have read your book, because if you enter 'Glastonbury Hospitality Tickets' it's mainly VIP options that come up. I think hospitality and VIP are generally seen as interchangeable terms.
  9. Dua Lipa 140 The National 140 (-10) Justice 185 Fontaines D.C. 202
  10. Is there one for The Bandstand somewhere? I looked in the "Areas" section on the official website but there's just a paragraph for it 🫤 Ah, I just checked the proper lineup bit, and that clears it up for me. Thank you. I assumed the app would just be the same as that 👍🏼
  11. It's pretty much the same thing though, isn't it? I'm not trying to goad anything and I wasn't being passive aggressive. I think you're focussing way too much on this BBC thing. My original question was "where are the VIP (hospitality) areas?", and you replied to me several times without answering the question. So it made me wonder if there was a big secret about hospitality areas, or if you just didn't know where the hospitality areas are (which is fine if you don't - I don't especially want to know, it's just out of curiosity). But please don't feel compelled to reply to me or engage at all. I don't want to get into any arguments 🫥
  12. Cool, I wonder if you just have to be there at the right time to be invited in 🤔
  13. So are you just not allowed to say where the VIP areas are, or do you just not know that info?
  14. Thanks. Does anyone know what goes on in that BBC area then? Because there was definitely a crowd and live music playing, with the entrances shut off. It was underneath that fake garden thingy that they broadcast from.
  15. My clashfinder says Fülü will play the Bandstand at midnight on the Friday. However, there is no sign of them on the official app. Who should I believe?
  16. By the amount of information you're giving, I'm guessing you don't know where the VIP areas are then? Theres definitely something underneath that BBC fake garden area because I've been past it before, and it was rocking. But the doors were closed with no obvious way in.
  17. Dua Lipa 155(-10) The National 130 Justice 215 Fontaines D.C. 217
  18. I wouldn't have known what they were without looking it up.
  19. Where abouts, and what's special about the areas? Is one of them up in the Park area where the BBC films some exclusive performances in that little fake garden thingy?
  20. Where are the VIP areas? I didn't think Glastonbury had any.
  21. In the past, I've taken chocolate coated coffee beans to eat 😋
  22. Dua Lipa 185 The National 155(-10) Justice 245 Fontaines D.C. 190 Orbital 160
  23. I like to test what I'm going to be having to make sure my tummy agrees with it.
  24. Dua Lipa 185 Little Simz 30 (-10) The National 185 Justice 255 Fontaines D.C. 200 Orbital 160
  25. Iphigenia


    I absolutely can't wait for Coldplay. I know they get a lot of stick, but you can't deny that they put on a fantastic show ♥️
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