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Jack Ledger

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Jack Ledger's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)

  • One Month Later Rare
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  1. T'S MINUS MONDAY, no plus voting (please copy to each post so people know The National 1 Fontaines D.C 140 (-10)
  2. The National 221 Justice 110 (-10) Fontaines D.C 260
  3. The National 120 (+10) Justice 190 Fontaines D.C 225
  4. Dua Lipa 10 (-10) The National 65 Justice 208 Fontaines D.C 201
  5. Orange right now! Just need to finish work and get moving.
  6. Dua Lipa 140 The National 130 Justice 185 Fontaines D.C. 202 (-10)
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