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  1. Hi, is there anyone who knows if it’s possible to get a replacement canister on-site? I think I saw a previous thread and there was a vendor last year? Thanks
  2. Amazing! Thanks so much that’s super helpful especially about the parking. In regards the queue, I suppose if there is no rush to find a camping spot, then there is no rush to get in?
  3. Hi Guys, I cant seem to work it out… We’re arriving Tues night in a CV, on Weds morning do we join the queue with everyone arriving in the morning to get wrist bands. Or do we enter through a separate queue for the CV camp sites? Also as well be arriving late for CV’s, do they allocate space for the vans? (Not specific, but a pitch per campervan) or is it totally random like the tents? Any help much appreciated! Very excited..
  4. Any chance someone could explain (like your talking to a 5 yo) what the different weather models mean?
  5. For those that have been before, would you say heavy rain in the early part of the festival is worst case as it destroys the ground? Looks, like a bit uncertain later on, but unlikely to be a washout?
  6. Thanks! I assumed, that might be the case and good to know it’s not too loud. Hes not a light sleeper, so I’m sure it’ll be great. Yes, we have a little trailer! Not sure how good it will be, but defo better than nothing it seems.
  7. Hi Guys. Due to a work commitment we’re arriving late Tuesday night, to Campervan East General. Do you think this site will be ok noise and distance-wise with a 5 year old? I have read on some, that they’ve permitted entry into the East quiet, I certainly won’t be expecting it, but does anyone know if this is a possibility? Thanks in advance!
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