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  1. Yeah they were great this year and really glad to have been there, and to some extent you could argue they grew between being booked and performing on the Park this year to have warranted the Other stage. Again, I am biased though. Btw, that Fri night was heaven for me LCD on Pyramid followed by Fontaines at the Park. If I were lucky enough to get tickets again for next yr would gladly see Fontaines again, but does feel a bit close to Finsbury Pk for them?
  2. SPW


    My wife got a code and easy/quick this morning, for the Sun. Was about 4k ahead in the queue and all done in less than 15 mins. Know there's no magic answer when demand>supply on this scale but think these ballots better than the TM mess of that marathon Sat sale. Only 2 pp allowed this time which also helps (albeit we needed 4!). At risk of sounding ungrateful 150 for a a standing tckt is still more than I'd ideally pay to see them relative to other bands but obv happy to have something.
  3. Out of interest, how long did the walk to Stratford take you. I was really tempted by LCD Soundsystem on the Fri (was at the Glastonbury set which was amazing but obviously this was longer........) but assuming them drawing a large crowd and not wanting to be hot footing it away during All My Friends it looked a bit dicey for my trains and I had to be elsewhere early on the Saturday. From the reviews I've read it sounds they did a great set. They seem to be one of the consistently brilliant live performers especially at big gigs and festivals. One of the best live acts for me.
  4. She was fine. Hers was a broken metatarsal so not as serious. But was in a boot up until 2 or 3 wks before. But she done a bit of walking before. Tested it out at a LG gig. And no bother at all there. She didn't do as much as me but not because of the foot, and still did 50 miles of walking across the festival including the hill up to Worthy View no bother.
  5. This was me from November to June, with a cple of genuine scares, including my wife breaking her foot a few weeks before (all was well in the end). Had very scarce luck with tckts so now v.much fretting re next year! A lot a fretting either side of 5 days of the year😂
  6. SPW

    2025 Headliners

    I am in the camp thinking that IF they do Glastonbury it will be mental numbers. They have huge appeal across generations plus it will be so hyped that even many who are not hugely arsed about Oasis normally would get dragged along by the buzz. Probably the only band that has my 18 and 21 yr olds hinting at me to include them in chasing Oasis tickets next summer. The 21 yo has done Glastonbury and dance music is his thing ordinarily but even he is all over this. Personally think they will end up doing Glastonbury next summer and, either way, unless it's ruled out by their tour dates elsewhere clashing then the ticket frenzy has just got harder than ever - a fallow yr to follow and now folk assuming them!
  7. SPW


    Cheers - it's on at our local cinema from Fri so hoping to see it over the weekend.
  8. SPW


    I can relate to that. Some albums take a few listens to fully appreciate, for me. I spend a lot of time playing records but still find it hard listening to what I have and then listening to new stuff! As an oldish git in my 50s am stuck on a lot of stuff I love and want to listen to, but try to keep in touch with newer and emerging stuff. But I only scratch the surface still. In relatively recent years, for example, Confidence Man, Working Men's Club, the aforementioned Kneecap and, best of all for me in a good while, Fontaines DC have caught my ear.
  9. SPW


    I loved the Woodsies set. I had liked them for a while but seeing them live brought out the satire a bit more I thought. The sniffer dogs are shite was particularly good. Understand some being uncomfortable. I am of Irish descent so get much of it, and but my Irish wife is not keen on them at all. But they were terrific imo and the album is really, really good. They've certainly had a big summer.
  10. I really don't like carting a bag about so just a small bum bag type thing acrosd my shoulder with a water bottle attached to it is as much as I carry around. On the Weds and Thu we took small fold up chairs out with us but with it being dry ditched those for the weekend. Admittedly, we don't carry booze or food about with us which adds cost but I would rather do that than cart a bag. As for standing generally, I find it fine still at 55. For me it's just a bit tedious so moving about between sets breaks it up plus having a sit on the grass or whatever in between. Back strengthening exercises and weights have helped me in recent years coupled with plenty of cardio stuff (a cross trainer in the gym is good for strengthening without too much impact on the joints) and is perfect prep for the trek up to Strummerville (and beyond if staying at WV)😃
  11. Loved this aspect of Glastonbury and we stumbled on a few great little sets that in some ways were the highlight of the 5 days. As mentioned, Old Time Sailors are great craic - we came out of Platform 23 in Shangri-la on the Weds evening and they happened to be doing a set at Nowhere next door, my wife loved em. We also enjoyed both the Frank Harvey Trio and Thrill Collins at 10 Aces after we were drawn in by the former walking past Glastonbury On Sea. Imperial Wax (ex members of the Fall) were terrific at Strummerville and followed by Chimer and Sleaze which made for a nice evening. Prob my favourite though of the smaller bands doing the rounds are the New York Brass Band - get a great atmosphere going (we saw them in Bread and Roses). Again as has been mentioned, I thought they'd be good but Kneecap were even better than I imagined live. Great humour and the Sat morning Woodsies set was one of my highlights.
  12. SPW

    Sound issues

    Yeah, only just seen this thread and for me LCD were perfect, from start to finish, both musically and vocally. One of the best sets I've ever seen. Cyndi Lauper vocals were a bit quiet/strained to begin with but seemed to improve as it went on. Only other sound issue I noticed was the background music was a bit too loud/distorted on the first couple of PJ Harvey songs but from thereon was okay. Some of the popular sets on Park were a bit of a struggle if you got caught further back (compounded by Stonebridge and Bimble Inn impacting the sound for those who were stuck further back). But considering the scale and number of sets etc. it's amazing really how good the sound quality is in the main..
  13. SPW

    The Mini Guide

    I'd have liked a mini-guide but as a first timer using it I thought the app was really good.
  14. We moved around a bit but on the Fri ended up on the '2nd' barrier just to the left towards the screen for Squeeze, Paul Heaton, PJ Harvey and LCD Soundsystem. That was made easy for the last three by the mass exodus from Seventeen (we caught the last couple of songs) and between us was easy to keep a spot. For all of those it would have been easy to get close to the v.front barrier I reckon. I almost went through the turnstile thingys to move in closer for LCD, which was my main must-see, but where we were proved to be a good balance of great atmosphere, view, and sound so stayed put and it was great (although would have been great anywhere). For Coldplay and a couple of other sets on the Sat we went much further back, level with speaker 5 if anyone uses those as reference points like we do! Particularly for Coldplay the view was great for taking in scale of lasers and fireworks etc. My (then 19 yo) son weaved to the front of Kendrick Lamar, in 2022 was it, and it meant a lot to him seeing it as close as poss. Guess horses for courses. My thirst/ bladder combo means I'll happily do other stuff pre sets and be further back.
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