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  1. It’s definitely quieter this year compared to last year. Obviously not as quiet since they increased the capacity, but suspect that whatever they’re doing to clamp down on people getting spun in is working as there’s notably less scousers than last year. South East Corner last year may as well have been Scouse East Corner cos it was literally just scousers as far as the eyes could see. (And just in case anyone gives me any grief I am also from Liverpool and it’s widely known here that there’s a huge black market for getting spun in, which the scousers have taken the most advantage of and seemed to peak last year). Past 2 years I’ve worked behind a bar and last year I served so many people who either didn’t have a wristband at all or had that fake one that said ‘Happy Birthday’, but this year haven’t spotted anything similar. Also security at Ped Gate C is substantially better. That aside, I think the reality is if you want to see a popular act you should get there an hour early. Similarly, with big acts on the pyramid there’s always loads of space up at the back. Main issue imo seems to be a lack of crowd sense from a sizeable number of punters. Too much pushing and attempts to move against the flow of the crowd. Couple that with drugs, alcohol and being out in the sun all day inevitably leads to a breakdown in common sense. Not sure what Glastonbury can do to fix that problem though!
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