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  1. Yes yes yes to this. 2025 might be the best year for a trial. Pre-fallow, pre-whatever might change with the post-Sir Michael era (hopefully not yet...) Stick Bicep on subbing Pyramid. Four Tet headlining Other. A hyped DJ like Jyoty or Eliza Rose early afternoon at Other, then regulars like Midland on WH? It worked for Nia Archives Spreading DJ's around won't make people happy, but it could set up a much better 2027
  2. HappyInAField

    2025 Headliners

    Sublime are massive over here in SoCal but barely scratch the surface in GB I think... mid Other Stage maybe? Personally think Alanis for 30 years of Jagged would be a big winner however
  3. 🙄 "The festival should overlook well-meaning debate about overcrowding and safety risks so that I, the main character on a forum, can sit and post smug messages without having to sacrifice the opinion I already have" FIFY
  4. HappyInAField


    Vibe in here getting a bit spiky.. seems like a simple situation She was bumped up into a slot that wasn't fair or sensible. Did a decent job, could have acknowledged the fest//crowd more but it happens. To nick a phrase from dear Roy Walker: for Glastonbury, SZA is very good but not (quite) right
  5. Spot the guy who didn't read it! They certainly do say something about opinions and arseholes... it's always best not to show your own when saying it 😆 😆
  6. Lurker from reddit here ... we are discussing there. This piece has really hit the nail on the head for me and many of us! I love Glasto. But yes something was off and you have to say it... had first time attending friends were very spooked by the crushing this year and may not go back. Here is my question: does anyone at eFestivals or SecretGlasto know how to get this up the chain of command? I think it needs to be read by the right people... fingers crossed
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