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    East sussex

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  1. Mish1268

    Nick Cave

    Listened to it today, I am done. Going to church! Love love
  2. Mish1268


    One son is in. So glad for him. Roll on 9am
  3. They came! and this is literally what I did...thank you so much
  4. Going to a good home
  5. Mish1268

    2025 Headliners

    No I meant what's the latest headliners in this chat
  6. Mish1268

    2025 Headliners

    Hya, can't seem to get back to the actual latest headline rumours. Anyone know where we are now?
  7. Mish1268

    2025 Headliners

    That did make me laugh
  8. Holy sh*t! No wonder you remembered it.
  9. To be fair, it did kind of stray a bit when we were singing gin gang goolly goolly goolly whatsit gin gang goo, gin gang goo. It's basically a comedian who has come up with an utterly daft nostalgia bollocks singalong. It is an amusing half hour.
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