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  1. Ah that’s gutting, must’ve been a letdown for HQ too. What’s the chances of that slot having since been filled and a name dropped mid festival do we think? a la Shy FX.. or I guess d*ck and Dom? 😄 Don’t suppose you’d be one to spoil the surprise if you did know. Is there even much of an incentive to do that given they’ve sold out?
  2. Yeah, I mean my point isn’t really that there’s no other genres at all, Zenith Friday/Saturday night looks great! but that there’s not really any dance on the 2nd biggest stage (GC), the only thing that comes close to rivalling Origin - which, bar one or two acts, seems even more bass heavy than before. Does just unfortunately mean that most of the bigger dance names are drum and bass DJs. Bit sad it's not the full Pendulum (who by the way, DJ set is £13 on the door in Brighton), and Folamour being the big GC headliner just feels a bit naff - I actually quite like the guy I just don’t think he’s got the weight or energy to be the closer! Just feels like a bit of a letdown and a step backwards, they got rid of Sector 6 for a reason! Might be naive of me but I’m still hopeful for that Saturday night slot, just not a clue who it would be, when they would announce it, or if it’s at all realistic. Fingers crossed is all.
  3. Need to stop myself having another big moan, ended up writing a bit of an essay on the subreddit about my feelings with this year's lineup outside of jungle/drum and bass. I hope the organisers see it honestly, always feel like there's a big crowd of people on the FB group that will defend any and everything Boomtown do. Zenith: There's nothing comparable to Sarah Story/Eats Everything/Slipmatt on the Thursday. No idea why they've got half the afternoon every day as what I can only picture as being holiday park entertainment (?) - acts starting later and finishing earlier every night feels pretty cheeky. GC: Feels like a big step down from even 2022 which I thought was meant to be the skint year (Overmono live, Prospa live, DJ Tennis, Partiboy69, Mall Grab, Four Tet!). I worry Pendulum (..also a DJ set) vs Folamour might even be a crowd control issue, they're just not on balance at all. When I saw he self-confirmed I imagined he'd be on in the mid/early afternoon on Zenith, not closing the festival on GC - part of me wonders if he was even booked for Zenith (suspiciously a 10pm finish there) but they had someone else pull out of GC and just shifted him over? One step further, maybe they did have The Prodigy after all. Too much conspiracy maybe haha. I know I'm being a bit cynical. I'm still excited, I just hope there's a missing piece still to come, because I'm certainly feeling it, seems like a pretty big step down in terms of calibre and genre diversity to me, and I just don't understand it.
  4. @mr flow Any info on this Bicep rumour? Allegedly booked for the Saturday night on Grand Central (I was hearing that before the lineup dropped) but pulled out last minute hence the early finish on the timetable atm - apparently they’re trying to fill the slot still? Heard anything? Not sure if it’s just facebook chatter.
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