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  1. Yeah they did. Willy Mason the same Thursday, I believe
  2. I didn't overly notice it for some bands, but I definitely did for Fabiana Palladino (who was otherwise brilliant), in the Walled Garden. The bass was very low end and just didn't sound right. Admittedly the bass for the album was recorded by Pino Palladino so was always going to be hard for another player to replicate, but turning it down in the mix would have helped a ton. Also I was at the front so maybe it makes a difference where you are? Perhaps it sounds better from beside or behind the sound desk
  3. Yep! There's quite a bit of that for me this time. What initially looked like an alright line up has grown to be a clash extravagancy. I could happily see most bands each day and not be disappointed.
  4. The clashfinder is taken from the programme, so would read as correct normally, but the times printed for settlement bands for Wednesday in the programme were 2 hours earlier than actual, so make of that what you will. I plan to be half an hour for Opus Kink, no way I want to miss any of their set
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