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  1. Overmono are doing APE on 16th so could potentially be a fit for the Friday night (either mountain stage or late night). RE Alabama Shakes - that would a very good booking if GM can get them
  2. Shame about SVT, her new songs are sounding great. Beth Gibbons just announced for Flow Festival the week before Green Man so hopefully that’s a good sign (and I think GM said they tried to book her last year)
  3. also not a big idles fan (although i’ve got more into their last two albums) but i was banking on them coming back to headline at some point
  4. I think those dates look more like he’ll do EOTR (much as that makes me sad because his set was great last time he played)
  5. Would Floating Points be in with a shout for Friday electronic/dance headliner similar to Caribou / Jon Hopkins?


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