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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. To me the key thing is that connection. The majority of football fans don’t judge players/managers purely on trophies won because we support teams who rarely win them. I’m approaching mid 40s and when I started watching football Liverpool dominance was just starting to wane. If you’re a Liverpool fan younger than 40 you probably don’t remember the periods of domination. Klopp connected with Liverpool fans and that probably means more than an extra couple of trophies. From a personal perspective I liked him at first, but found he got more annoying as the years went on.
  2. I can accept them coming to a decision to admit or not admit. What I don’t like is the process taking so long.
  3. I think we would have still ever up with a succession of those leaders, they would have just been delayed.
  4. Reading the pirlo autobiography which was written pre VAR. His quote on the use of technology. “They’d be able to settle all the most difficult questions pretty much in real time. Offside yes or no, in all of 5 seconds”. That prediction didn’t work out too well!
  5. I think he would have been out of depth. I think he liked being leader of the opposition and people singing his name. I don’t think he would have liked being in power and making tough decisions. I think any Corbyn led government would have fallen apart and we would therefore be in a worse position now.
  6. A lot of talk about this sex education stuff which is basically trying to create a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist to stoke a culture war. A lot of the talk seems to be about how decisions on sex educations are one for parents and not the state. My view is that the state absolutely should be involved in sex education. We shouldn’t disadvantage children and put at increased risk of pregnancy, STI and sexual exploitation because their parents find it difficult to talk about sex or choose not to.
  7. Interesting hearing Owen Jones on bbc politics, his claim was that Starmer couldn’t call them pledges because people would call him out on the pledges he made to win the labour leadership. I can guarantee the average voter could not care less about the previous Labour leadership election, they have far more important things to think about.
  8. I I think it depends on how you are using the information. The Starmer pledges you can stick on a poster which people can read going past on a bus. The bulk of the electorate don’t want more to read and just a general message. I think the message they want to get across is one of change from Corbyn labour, contrast from the Torys and a focus on bread and butter issues that matter to the electorate. I think it ticks those boxes.
  9. To me that’s a good comparison. The Starmer one is more effective by having less pledges, but also the Corbyn pledges are a lot less clear hence the supporting text. I think you could read the bold bits out your average voter and a lot wouldnt know what they mean.
  10. I can’t see the EPL teams getting rid of it, but it’s telling that in those countries or leagues where it hasn’t been implemented, there is little call for it to come in.
  11. Im sure they will have a document to expand, but would look a bit cluttered on a poster. The reality is however most of the electorate just want simple and not detail. Those who want the detail probably know how they are voting.
  12. Can’t argue with that. A complete focus on issues that the electorate care about while torys can focus on wokery and sex education in school.
  13. Those of us who support teams outside the premiership are generally happy not to have it. I watched Liverpool v Villa this week. Gakpo scores but it’s a really subdued celebration knowing there is a VAR check coming. It sucks the emotion out of a game and I’m glad they don’t have it at our level.
  14. The numbers aren’t there to ban gay marriage, you would probably would struggle to find a Tory msp who doesn’t believe in marriage equality. However the fact remains the SNP deputy leader doesn’t believe that gay people should have the same rights as straight people. Her “no sex before marriage “ guidance could also cause issues with the birth rate in Scotland!
  15. Isn’t their only principle nationalism? Lean left in certain areas of Scotland and more conservative in others to try and get to 50.1 percent?
  16. Its interesting that someone with her views holds so much sway with SNP and voters that Swinney had to do a deal to keep them sweet.
  17. Starmers biggest weakness was lack of charisma, but her lack of charisma meant it didn’t hurt him. I also remember her saying in the leadership campaign she would give Jez 10/10 for his leadership, just as he had lead labour to a disastrous defeat.
  18. When I said nobody, I should have said nobody competent. She could even convince a decent proportion of Corbynites. We are fortunate she didn’t win, if she had I think Boris would still be PM, Labour split and heading to another election defeat.
  19. The reality is they had nobody to replace him.
  20. I don’t think anyone in labour shadow cabinet was either, although possible Rayner has been going in disguise. I don’t think labour would appoint someone against gay marriage to a senior role in 2024, but happy for you to quote this if it happens!
  21. I’m sure there are many twats amongst labour MPs and many really nice people among the torys. There may be a point if she was standing again but she isn’t. I am not doing somersaults because she has defected, but neither do I particularly care.
  22. Swinney seems a decent guy, but making Forbes his deputy confirms the claim that the SNP are a left wing party as false. I’m not even sure the Tory’s would give such a senior job to someone who believes gay marriage is a sin in 2024.
  23. But you (like me) are in the bubble!
  24. Im sure some of the socialists in labour could source some funding for the training if they wanted. It can’t make Starmer charismatic, so why would it have a different impact on RLB or Burgon. I don’t think Rayner has ever been in the socialist group and at present she is completely on board with the centre left Starmer project. Saying I could name loads more but can’t be bothered, reminds me of a few teenage (when I was a teenager many years ago) friends discussing their sexual conquests. If you think these great communicators on the labour left exist then name them!
  25. I think that’s political bubble thinking. Outside politics social media nobody has a clue who this woman is. All they see is a Tory defecting to labour.
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