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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. Surely winning titles is not just dependent on how your team does. I would have to check, but I think some of Liverpool’s totals under Klopp (when they didn’t win the league) are more than some of Fergie and Wenger (when they did)
  2. Yet the same bloke has Arsenal and Man Utd data and they don’t double. I don’t think we should assume data is correct because it’s online and they quote sources. If I ever come across that football finance bloke I will ask him!
  3. I’m not convinced by that data. It seems strange that Liverpool wage budget would double in 1997.
  4. Different times though, sadly couldn’t happen today. The research shows the top predictive factor to where a team will finish is wage budget. Fergie had the top wage budget in several occasions. I don’t think Klopp ever has. So I think any comparison has to be considered through that perspective . Fergie was the manager Man Utd needed at the time and the same was true for Klopp and Liverpool. If Klopp had managed Man City he would have won more, but that’s not how the cards were dealt. On a completely unrelated note how is Stephen Fletcher considered in Scotland. After years Wrexham have finally had a decent Scottish player. I don’t think I would keep him due to age, but his contributions and personality won’t be forgotten.
  5. How many years did Fergie have a top 2 budget compared to Klopp?
  6. Glad to see Havertz celebrating today, this non celebration nonsense gets on my nerves!
  7. Another question is how confident are we that they draw the line at the correct fraction of a second when ball makes contact with boot. To me the decision yesterday was down to the rules and not an inbuilt bias to protect the elite. VAR was not brought in to correct these types of decision which nobody really complained about. However the fact it in theory allows “perfection “ has seen these kind of decisions dragged in.
  8. It’s an example of correcting a problem that didn’t exist. It’s so marginal the Coventry player got no advantage. It just sucked the emotion out of the game.
  9. FA cup replays scrapped. The big clubs get their own way to the detriment of the smaller again
  10. Although for balance he has never had the top wage budget. I don’t even know if he was ever top 3 in England.
  11. Wrexhams normal when I was a teenager was a mid table league one side. A dodgy owner took over and tried to destroy the club and we took nearly 20 years to recover. We are now back to where we were before the leech arrived. When the money runs out im hoping we have all 4 sides of the ground open, a new training ground , a decent youth setup and a new generation of fans. When I grew up all the kids (apart from weirdos like me) supported Liverpool, Man U and Everton, the kids are now supporting Wrexham. Not sure how long the ride will last, so just going to enjoy it.
  12. After watching Wrexham for 35 years and seeing 2 promotions, that has doubled to 4 in the space of 2 seasons. No better feeling for a lower league football fan, looking forward to league 1.
  13. Is this a gammon thing?? If they changed the colours of the Welsh flag I would be disappointed.
  14. Looks like someone trying to get likes, retweets and attention. He would be happy if labour were in opposition forever if they said everything he agreed with. That’s fine for a privileged guardian journalist.
  15. It’s a problem with the system that doesnt allow candidate replacement. However this may be good for labour, they may have lost anyway and can now say it was because they didn’t have a candidate. I’m sure Rochdale will come back in the next election.
  16. Probably just call themselves independent reform mp.
  17. If changing parties caused a by-election the MP would just unofficially switch and vote with the new party, it would make no practical difference.
  18. The reality is most of these won the seat because of their rosette and not individual talent. I suspect if everyone voted the way they wanted nothing would get done. If you want to vote how you choose stand as an independent and see how far you get.
  19. I know he went eventually, but what was the tipping point for Bercow? Must have been way more than 80.
  20. From memory no government ministers and no MPs from the opposition. If it stays this way Hoyle will be fine. I don’t think a coalition with SNP working with right wing Tory’s will be enough.
  21. Maybe if the SNP prioritised being productive instead of setting traps for labour the situation could have been avoided, but knowing what sells at home they chose to play politics.
  22. I think your overestimating the influence of the SNP.
  23. I think if the government and opposition are happy for him to stay in position, he stays in position. I doubt the SNP politicians are really that bothered, they just want something to scream about at home.
  24. SNP want to be able to write on their leaflets that the English parliament is rigged against them. I honestly don’t believe they have the power to get rid of a speaker.
  25. I dont have a clue where he stands in terms of parliamentary protocol, but if it’s just about SNP playing political games with no chance of influencing the situation, this seems sensible.
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