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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. That was my view, I liked him before he became all moany
  2. I have never got the idea of not punishing fans. The same fans are happy if the owners make risky transfers which result in benefit. You can’t say fans should only benefit.
  3. Have watched Wrexham lose that final twice, horrible place!
  4. It’s really not fair Earps winning sports personality of the year. You would never see Beckham winning for scoring a free kick to get England into a tournament or Owen for scoring a goal in the last 16.
  5. The last leg is pretty left wing. I think this is more about throwing something to the viewers than disrupting her. In fairness to Suella (who I have no time for) I think she reacted as well as possible in that situation.
  6. Not just very good league 2, but the best in the league. Although their form has been hit recently, probably down to injuries. Probably good time to play them, but still have to take advantage. That second promotion space looks wide open in the national league this season.
  7. I mean you can make an intellectual argument about immigration, but this bloke clearly doesn’t have the brains. For a start if a kid falls over in the street a plaster will probably help avoid the trip to A&E. Secondly I have worked in the NHS for nearly 20 years and never come across these hospitals where nobody speaks English. It’s odd that these MPs never have any evidence to backup these statements.
  8. Looks like pure opportunism to me. Jenrick looking for a top job in a Braverman led team.
  9. I can’t see wales getting through the play offs, but that’s an intriguing draw if they can. After spending all those years trying to get to the World Cup we got the most boring draw possible which made it worse when we flopped. I would much rather go against the best teams.
  10. Just saw on social media that it’s 12 years since we lost Gary Speed. He is one of my favourite ever players and his death hit me more than any other ex footballer. Hopefully his death resulted in a greater focus on mental health and others have had more access/felt more comfortable accessing support.
  11. I think a lot in momentum are middle class protesters who like screaming from opposition, but wouldn’t want the hard work of government.
  12. Are momentum particularly influential now? I don’t hear much on social media or my lefty friends.
  13. Having come across people with mobility and mental health issues it’s not as simple as working/non working. Many need that flexibility to work when they are able and not during acute episodes with their health . The system doesn’t always allow that flexibility.
  14. I think he would love to be asked to do all the challenges. What would annoy him most would be if the public just ignored him.
  15. Were they the ones singing Corbyn songs as an evil ploy to keep him in the leadership?
  16. I can’t believe in a game ROI needed to lose , they only lost 1-0. That seems too close for comfort to me!
  17. I think posters on here are not going to have any significant impact on the general election. However you do get political commentator like Owen Jones who criticise Starmer way more than Sunak. Maybe from his perspective he gets more likes/retweets and makes more money doing this. I don’t however think it does anything to make a labour government more likely. There is an element of the labour left who would be happy if labour were an opposition party forever. You can constantly take the popular left wing line, have people chant your name In Glastonbury and never have to make a single tough decision. If your middle class you will probably be ok with a Tory government. Starmer is willing to be less popular if it means a labour government is more likely and I think that’s true leadership. He may not get it right (nobody does ) all the time, but I think his heart is in the right place and is in it for the right reasons.
  18. I mean the real enemy are the conservatives. If people on the left bash starmer enough then the only beneficiaries are the torys.
  19. Agree and when the left turn on the labour leadership for not saying words that are meaningless in terms of actions, let’s not forget who the real enemy are.
  20. I don’t think it’s inevitable the call will come. Maybe they will agree some kind of diplomacy without publicly using the word “ceasefire “. It’s actions not words that I am interested in and hopefully diplomacy gets some positive results.
  21. The Torys know that cutting benefits won’t impact on most of their voters but will appeal to people who think “scroungers” are sitting at home raking it in with 20 kids, with sky subscriptions and new phones.
  22. That would be incredibly not smart as would split the torys. They will just continue to follow the US policy as will probably labour.
  23. If ever there is a season for Everton to get a 10 point deduction it’s this one, they will be fine.
  24. Have the SNP explained how they are going to influence this ceasefire?
  25. That’s pretty much consistent with my thinking.
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