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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. McDonnell is much cleverer and a better politician than Jez. You wonder if things would have ended differently if he had got the leader gig instead of Jez. I don’t think he would have beaten Boris, but I think he is just that more pragmatic and would have avoided traps a bit better.
  2. Just looks like a keyboard warrior rather than any real organiser.
  3. They have loads of MPs who didn’t vote for that amendment. They will fill the spaces easily, they aren’t even high profile positions.
  4. It’s what they do every cabinet reshuffle, I’m sure they will fill easily. They have a few new MPs who could come in while others shuffle up. A lot of those who resigned will come back in the future anyway.
  5. To me it looked like there was a few different categories. Left wing MPs, Muslim MPs, or MPs who represented constituencies with significant muslim populations, so I agree to say they are all socialists is oversimplification. Your right Phillips is the high profile one, but that’s mainly for her media stuff as opposed to holding one of the big jobs, she can still be effective in that way from the backbenches.
  6. Jess Phillips basically said she was resigning over the issue but pretty much fully behind everything else. That’s not going to be a huge problem. The big thing for Starmer among those people who resigned nobody is seriously after his job, in fact the bookies favourite to succeed him (Burnham) isn’t either an MP. This is very different to something like the May resignation over Brexit.
  7. All the shadow cabinet members of note supported him. That’s pretty united for an issue that has divided labour over recent years. It’s not like Cruella resignation where she is standing there with a stick of dynamite to blow everything up. Even those who resigned seem to be pulling in the same direction.
  8. The only way I could have seen this resonating would have been if someone like Rayner resigned. The fact it’s a load of unknown MPs will cause this story to disappear quickly in my view.
  9. Not only a motion that does nothing, one designed to make things difficult for labour.
  10. They have a free vote and some will accuse Starmer of not showing leadership against Hamas. He can’t win whatever he does. In terms of losing good shadow ministers, good shadow ministers (off all parties) go in every reshuffle and are replaced by someone else. That’s just what happens in politics.
  11. I’m not sure much could be done to avoid it, there is no path that doesn’t upset someone. The only person who has resigned with any profile is Jess Phillips who will be an effective media performer from the backbenches and likely come back one day. The others are unknowns who will be replaced by other unknowns.
  12. You don’t get the impression that many of these resignations are going to be causing much trouble from the backbenches.
  13. I initially read it as shadow minister for e-sports and then thought at least that makes more sense than a minister for common sense!
  14. It’s politics and people will have different reasons for supporting a ceasefire. Some will be principle, some will be about holding their seat, some may have an eye on standing for the leadership if labour lose the next election. I think Starmer will be ok with those currently rumoured to be resigning, who will be completely unknown to the average person. I look at the current shadow cabinet and I just don’t see one of the more prominent politicians doing the same, maybe someone like Ed Milliband could?
  15. I said it won’t matter today, not it won’t matter in the future. As I have said from my perspective it weakens influence in the power. The only route to peace is behind closed door diplomacy with the USA taking the lead. It may not make as catchy a slogan , but that’s the reality. Let’s hope these talks get positive results.
  16. Labour are in the minority. Is it worth losing your seat over an issue your party can’t control. I can imagine some will return to the cabinet/shadow cabinet in the future.
  17. Yet nobody has explained how labour calling for a ceasefire will stop these people dying or being injured. The reason for that is it won’t. So people are effectively calling for words that will make no difference. I don’t think labour will have much influence in power (we all know it’s USA who are calling the shots) but better have a small amount than none
  18. In fairness some MPs may risk losing their seats by not calling for the ceasefire so I can understand from that perspective.
  19. Not only will labour words have zero influence on what is happening today, it will potentially reduce influence on Israel for labour government in the future. I can understand Starmer playing the long game.
  20. The wording of an opposition amendment will not save a single Palestinian life today. It may however impact in future peace talks with Israel which may save lives in the future.
  21. People took interest in Russia/Ukraine for a few weeks and then lost interest. You say everyone has an opinion, I think most don’t spend anytime thinking about it, nor do they probably watch the news. I think it will only impact on a tiny proportion of votes.
  22. I agree and the truth is Israel/Hamas is a much bigger deal on twitter than it is to the average voter. The average voter also wouldn’t give a crap if labour frontbenchers they have never heard of quit.
  23. SNP can put in amendments with full knowledge that they will have zero influences at any stage in terms of peace negotiations. Starmer will potentially be dealing with Israel in a year so very different dynamic.
  24. You know they will select an anti woke minister next.
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