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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. Politicians always campaign one way and pivot when in power. Most voters are not paying attention the majority of the time anyway. It’s a case of knowing what promises you need to keep and where the wiggle room exists. Starmer made several pledges that I knew he wouldn’t keep to be labour leader and I still voted for him. The alternative was complete honesty, RLB as leader and a party still fighting about Israel while the public vote in the torys again. This purity that is expected of labour is never expected of the Tory’s. Priority number 1 is get in power and then use that power to make things better. Don’t obsess about election manifestos that most people won’t read.
  2. Agreed, labour did a lot of good in power. Let’s get as many labour MPs as possible and start doing some good.
  3. Im always wary about reading too much into these tournaments. I remember many years seeing Hugo Viana and thought he was on his way to being one of the best players in the world!
  4. I think the question is how many minds are they changing and the answer is probably few. Do the public understand the cause they are trying to promote? I’m not convinced. To me they come across as a load of middle class activists trying to gain a bit of attention and get their stunts shown as much as possible on social media. I think unless they can find a charismatic leader to front the campaign it may do more harm than good.
  5. BBC presenter being investigated for paying a teen for explicit photos. I think it’s wrong for the BBC to say they are keeping them off tv for the weekend as it just results in speculation like when Delph got caught up because he was an Everton footballer of a certain age.
  6. He comes across a combination of super awkward and smarmy. I agree he will campaign badly. He probably only sees it as a short term job anyway.
  7. In my view they have gone too far in terms of banning people, I think they have over corrected after Corbyn . However I think overall it is right that they have tried to reduce discussion about Israel. It is a topic that causes division, not something that the average person prioritises in the slightest and ultimately doesn’t win any votes.
  8. My old constituency (Wrexham) MP is one of these that has joined this barmy new grouping. Stop people earning less than 38k coming in, what possible impact to health and social care may that have!
  9. Sunak can spend the night hiding in the Boris freezer, but he will be asked the question how he would have voted. He either answers, or avoids answering the question.
  10. If players lose a World Cup final or Euro championship final they are gutted. I don’t think either side would lose sleep about losing this one. I think it’s different from the conference league as the format means it’s likely the bigger teams will always win it.
  11. I do wonder if the nations league final will ever really mean anything. As it starts to build up a legacy will people start caring about it? I can’t remember a single thing that has ever happened in a nations league and didn’t care at all when wales got relegated.
  12. Gove saying he will abstain because he accepts the report, but disagrees with the punishment. Expect this to be the cowardly approach of most torys.
  13. The slight issue with that is the SNP is no more radical than labour!
  14. The questions were about the mainstream media, Boris, evil trans people and Prince Harry. I thought some of the Corbynites were strange, but this is a different level.
  15. I felt a bit dirty but I watched some clips of Liz Truss GB news interview, she has got even more batshit crazy
  16. There are still plenty of kids in nurseries which suggests to me many mums are still working. I have no issue with targeted care, but there are still a lot of people who can afford childcare and that money in my view is better targeted at those most in need. Or alternatively a tapered system where people may make some contribution.
  17. That is effectively focusing on those who vote, rather than those who (in relative numbers) don’t. I am happy with those in need having free childcare, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect those who can afford to make scarfices and contribute.
  18. To me there is little progressive about free childcare for anyone over 9 months. I think money can be better spent to help those most in need.
  19. What happened to the boundary changes the Tory’s were going to bring in to favour themselves, I lost track if this happened or not.
  20. I thought City were quite mediocre, but over the tournament were the best team.
  21. I can take the fact that some people have different views on economics than me and vote conservative. However these people who can’t make intellectual arguments and just start talking about “the blob” are just pathetic.
  22. He was also going to be kicked out by the electorate next year, jumping before he was pushed.
  23. Johnson doesn’t want to be leader of the opposition. This is typical egomaniac Boris trying to make himself out to be the victim, instead of booted out by the electorate next year.
  24. The average swing voter couldn’t care less about the selection contest for mayor in the north east. They do care about social care and that their family or themselves will get good quality care if needed. I know as a health professional good, consistent social care is a good investment as it keeps people out of hospital. The trouble is we value our carers so poorly, the best carers move to a different profession.
  25. 5 percent in parts of Liverpool and London maybe, nationally not a chance. The supporters of Jez are a lot noisier on twitter than their numbers suggest. As for the mayor it’s a bit of a non story , nobody had heard of him before and most will have forgotten him by the next election. He will probably benefit by getting more followers on Twitter and adulation of the momentum crew.
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