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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. For anyone with a spare hour there is a very good interview with Rory Stewart on Novara Media. A good discussion between 2 people with opposing political views, both listening and respecting the other, without shouting over each other.
  2. In fairness I would argue it’s not really their job, they wouldn’t have time to do something like this.
  3. What if GB news and the mail produced something making allegations against a public figure you respected with similar length of investigation, would that impact on your judgement?
  4. I’m minded to trust channel 4, but is that my own political bias. The times slightly less, but more than the sun or mail!
  5. I guess you could make the argument that the system does such a poor job in convicting people of sexual assault, that a move (whether legal or court of public opinion) to presumed guilt may correct that balance. Like you I think I have some concerns with that thinking.
  6. Having now watched the whole documentary, it definitely makes some persuasive arguments, although I still don’t see the smoking gun there. Having already withdrawn from the mainstream it’s also unclear that it will impact on him much, unless it encourages others to come forward. I’m also not certain if USA are better or worse than here in terms of successful rape convictions. If I had a criticism of the documentary, it felt to me a bit long. I think as a piece of journalism it would have been better just focusing on the more serious stuff. The fact he was constantly having one night stands with audience members may seem distasteful, but it’s not much different to what many rockstars we idolise are doing/have been doing for years. It also didn’t seem like new information.
  7. While I understand the point. There have been people who have been found guilty by the media in the past who in fact had done nothing wrong. This is not me talking in relation to the Brand case, but more a general point. If a jury can get it wrong then it would be naive to always think the court of public opinion couldn’t do the same.
  8. Having watched (all apart from last 15 minutes)it I am not convinced there is enough there for a criminal conviction. Will it damage his reputation, or just enhance with his echo chamber? I guess it’s possible it encourages others to come forward who may have stronger evidence
  9. He will probably be presenting on GB news soon!
  10. That’s fair enough in a world where investigations can be done quickly. That doesn’t seem to happen in reality. Under your system people could just make up accusations on the day of a World Cup final and those players wouldn’t be allowed to play. I feel really uncomfortable moving to a presumption of guilt.
  11. Maybe Euro 24 will be your year to get past the groups. Im almost certain Wales won’t be there with Page as manager. Wrexham have just signed Stephen Fletcher, hopefully he can still get a few goals. Seemed to do ok for a poor team last season.
  12. Out of interest do you think any footballer accused of anything should be removed from their squad? That effectively moving to a guilty until proved innocent model. Im not sure I feel comfortable with that either.
  13. The question is would other clubs act different in the same situation or is it an issue with Man Utd. I lean towards other clubs putting their finances first.
  14. Mbappe I think wants to go to Madrid and probably win individual and club accolades can’t see him going.
  15. Won’t change unless Young people start to vote.
  16. I almost think he is better off either being honest (just saying the money offered meant more than his principles) or just not commenting at all. I don’t think anyone will read this interview and think anything other than he is talking bollocks.
  17. I find football coverage funny in terms of how they look for their own narrative. Rice scores a winning goal today and it’s evidence he is a big game player, Nketiah scores the winner a year ago and it’s just a dramatic winning goal!
  18. Today was the first time in nearly 20 years I have watched 2 premiership teams play each other live. Unfortunately it was Forest v Burnley and what a terrible game it was. So bad that a game that looked destined for 0-0 from the first kick somehow found a goal to deprive some excitement of a penalty shootout. Both teams looked like they will struggle to me.
  19. He would have been so much better just apologising straight away.
  20. I thought Liverpool played well when down to 10 men, as a team defended really well.
  21. The reality is if labour need additional money they will raise taxes, but they don’t want to go into an election saying it. While tax rises are popular people tend to think those rises should come from people earning more money than them.
  22. Wolves looked good against Man Utd which surprised me. There seems to be a few poor teams in the premiership this season who will be ok because there are worse. You wonder if it could be Everton’s year to drop, where are the goals coming from?
  23. I think the big issue is having all these candidates. The only way for a mainstream republican to win is to get behind one of the least offensive (probably Haley) candidate and give the party a clear choice. I suspect Trump would still win, but his opponent’s splitting the vote only makes it more likely.
  24. The men (with a few exceptions) have stayed silent about this. Hopefully the men’s national team get fully behind her and force him out.
  25. I don’t agree, I think he is running for 2028 if Trump loses.
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