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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. Watching live football as a neutral is a great experience. This weekend I went to Notts County V Boreham Wood in the play offs. Great game with no stress! I like the look of the championship play offs. Luton, Middlesbrough, Coventry and Sunderland are all more interesting to me than the likes of Norwich and WBA who have been up and down so many times.
  2. I’m not in the slightest bit interested, but happy for those who like this sort of stuff to keep it.
  3. I looked at the last comparable elections and both greens and Lib Dem’s polled higher in the local elections than the general elections. I think people will make different decisions next year knowing only 2 people can be PM. I also think (I wouldn’t be surprised) if it’s a hung parliament labour are in a good position. The SNP, Lib Dem’s and Plaid aren’t in a great negotiating position as I don’t think any could go with the Tory’s.
  4. I had half an eye on the game and shocked to see an ex Wrexham player Kwame Thomas is at Dundee. Can’t see him doing anything in the SPL if they keep him.
  5. There is only one Wrexham and they are currently celebrating in Vegas!
  6. We all know why they did it. It’s a purely political move to stop people voting who they think (predominantly) won’t vote for them.
  7. Thanks for reminding me. I meant to go on the school run and slipped my mind 3 votes for labour for me.
  8. Are the SNP changing course on universal benefits then?
  9. Labour won by 12 percent in 1997, what are people expecting?
  10. Agreed. Their pledge were made before covid/furlough etc. The situation has changed since early 2020 so can’t expect labour to promise a 2020 plan.
  11. I watched the last 15 minute only , but thought Everton looked quite decent,
  12. It’s fine building a load of houses, but you need to have the infrastructure in place to cope . Where I Iive they built the houses without thinking where the kids would go to school or how the roads would cope with the additional traffic.
  13. I can get over that, but when people question the integrity of the officials, to me it’s a step too far. The idea that there is a big conspiracy and certain referees are against certain teams is silly
  14. I used to like Klopp, but have now got fed up with him. Really disappointed by the comments about the referee, I think they really need to hit managers harder when they do stuff like this.
  15. To me it was a complete bottle match, spurs bottled it for 30 minutes, then Liverpool for 60 minutes then spurs spursed it up in the end. Great for a neutral though!
  16. I would be embarrassed if Wrexham put in a performance against Liverpool like spurs are in this game.
  17. Let’s not forget this argument that labour and the Tory’s are the same is a political argument by the likes of SNP, Plaid and greens to take labour votes. My friend in Wrexham (2000 Tory majority) is going to vote plaid (because the other 2 are the same) and the only person who will benefit from that thinking is the Tory no.
  18. They did a lot of good. Improvement of the NHS, improved education, minimum wage, reduced poverty, implemented sure start. It wasn’t perfect and they could have done more. I would however argue that between 1997 and 2010 people in general felt better than they do now. The trouble with Corbyn supporters downplaying the achievements of the Labour government. It feeds into the narrative that there is no point changing. I personally see a lot of areas where Starmer Labour will improve the country, they may not move as much as some would like, but they can shift things in the right direction.
  19. I thought Corbyn was useless and destined for failure. I still voted labour in 2019 as I believe a labour government is better than a Tory one. I think most Corbyn supporters will come to a similar conclusion in 2024
  20. Conservatives will set expectations low and will therefore probably meet them. I’m not sure the local elections will tell the whole story as it’s more politically engaged people voting than the “once every 5 years “ crew who determine elections. There will also be labour left voters who will protest in a local election, but in a general election note there are only 2 parties who can lead a government and take a pragmatic approach.
  21. I’m assuming they have evidence that non Jews with similar views are treated differently?
  22. Good quote from Keir from PMQ "Sunak boasted that he didn't know a single working class person.. He proudly told a Tory garden party how he moved money from poorer areas and handed it to rich ones.. He looks at a petrol pump and debit card as if they just arrived from Mars.
  23. It’s funny how so few independent minded MPs have the confidence to stand as an independent in an election, almost as if most people vote party and not candidate!
  24. He wants to get rid of people who cost labour votes, in that respect good for him. Last time I checked Mcdonnell, Burgon, Sultana were all in the party, I seems to me all areas are represented. I think we need to repeat however that if the coalition is narrower with Corbyns absence, that is down to Corbyn and not Starmer. If he said the words no comment he would still be a labour MP. His ego wouldn’t allow that.
  25. We would have been voted in that constituency if we stood with a red rosette. Admittedly I am too young to have made 4 decades!
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