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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. From a business perspective it probably drives social media and book sales.
  2. I’m not sure who is the candidate to push the SNP on , but admittedly haven’t heard of all the contenders. As someone who wants labour to do well in the next election I hope they go for Forbes as I think her religious views would make it challenging in an election. I can’t imagine however she could get through a leadership election with these views.
  3. The trouble is Owen Jones is just a protester, full of what’s wrong, but lacking in ideas in terms of how problems can be solved in the real world, not the one he would like it to be. If Owen had his way RLB would be labour leader and the party would be more split than now. Do people think that alternative would be more likely to get the Tory’s out?
  4. Well that prediction went as well as my usual ones. Knowing how bad my predictions are can I say it definitely won’t be Forbes, the SNP definitely won’t pick someone who can’t say it’s great that 2 men can marry each other, or can get completely behind a woman’s right to choose!
  5. Am I correct in thinking labour Corbyn supporting MPs would not be allowed to endorse Corbyn or campaign for him in the election, or risk losing their right to stand as a labour candidate.
  6. No that’s not true, there was a void between the Sampras and Federer era, but that was when Henman was challenging and not Murray.
  7. I think it’s more they would prefer being in control of the opposition rather than support a conservative government, but ultimately they mean the same. I think to some it’s easier screaming from the sidelines and never having to compromise.
  8. The decision not to let Corbyn run probably (nationwide) gains more votes than it loses. Letting him run just means dealing with all the crap they are trying to move on from. He may well win as an independent, but that’s not going to really impact on when he supports labour and when he doesn’t.
  9. If you can see how Sturgeon got tied up in knots over the trans issue, imagine what would happen to Forbes. I wouldn’t think she can fob off issues related to abortion, gay marriage and trans issues in a leadership contest. I think it will end up being Swinney
  10. So Southampton are going for Marsch now, don’t understand the strategy at that club, they may as well have stuck with Ralph.
  11. The government can add the context. If they can justify it then justify it. If it highlights things that need to change then change them. I don’t think we should have an issue with opposition asking questions, I hope conservative do the same in opposition.
  12. Most people who work for central government don’t get grace and favour housing either. Th trouble with these allowances are, there is a justification for using them, but some people will always take advantage and use as a perk of the job. If highlighting it means governments of all colours are more careful with this expenditure, I don’t see that as a bad thing.
  13. Public sector workers generally need to stay in travel lodges, we aren’t given a choice.
  14. There’s no doubt that money shouldn’t be spent on fine art for the treasury. When it comes to stationary you probably need more info. Im not against the foreign office having some budget for food and alcohol, but you can easily imagine how it is open to abuse.
  15. You can maybe get away with the strange comments if you have a track record that backs them up. He seemingly couldn’t adapt and that is one reason he came short.
  16. The question is has the red wall collapsed or was it just a temporary movement to get Brexit done and stop Corbyn. I think we need more evidence.
  17. I know who they are trying to appeal, but not convinced most of these people know who the bloke is. My old constituency of Wrexham went to the dark side last election, I am almost certain they will go back. I don’t sense a love for labour, but think Brexit and Corbyn were the issues last time.
  18. Don’t forget those teams who want to be in league 2 next seasons, we don’t want City joining the party!
  19. The Aguero moment wouldn’t be erased from the memories and that matters to a fan far more than what a Wikipedia page says.
  20. As a fan I am not sure taking away titles is the biggest hit. It won’t take the memories or joy of winning the titles away. The players will keep their medals and their reputations. It only really benefits clubs like Liverpool and Man Utd who are counting titles. Once the moment has gone, it’s gone in my view.
  21. Wrexham effectively took Leicesters punishment. They went into administration to buy better players, we went into administration because a dodgy owner was trying to kill the club. Sadly Wrexham went out of the cup last night , but to hold our own over 2 games against a team destined for the premiership is a positive. Billy Sharp is undoubtedly a twat though!
  22. I guess the thought is that City without Pep won’t have the same dominance, time will tell. They may have Haaland, but to me their defence and midfield isn’t what it was so the era of dominance I think will end. It’s a good point though is it better to have 3 teams rotating as champions with shorter reigns or different teams coming in and having more dominant reigns. You could argue both ways.
  23. I think it’s mainly historical. They are one of the oldest professional teams and the Welsh league was not formed until many years later. However I’m sure decision not to join is financial, but also based on historical rivalries and what the fans want. I don’t have any issues with clubs making decisions based on finances. Pretty much any decision a club makes is based on finance to some degree.
  24. As someone who hopes to support a team in league 2 next season, that’s a very bad idea!! What effect do you think it’s had on football? You say it effects all teams, but to me as a lower league fan it makes no difference. Just different rich teams with different rich owners winning the same league. In fact it probably benefits lower league by pushing better players down the pyramid.
  25. I also support the team who generates and spends the most money in our league. I don’t have a problem with that, nor do I have an issue if the other 23 spend more and we end up at the bottom. I am fine with Liverpool taking advantage of their commercial appeal, generating and spending what they want. The trouble is if we put spending restrictions in place, the consequences are that the best teams remain the best, continue to have the most fans, get the best sponsorship deals and nothing ever changes. Financial fair play by nature looked after those who were at the top when the rules was brought in. It’s very fair if you own Liverpool or Man United, other people may have different definitions of fair. I would prefer the rules allow for more competition and not less. If there is a way of doing it without hyper spending great. The trouble is those with the power want less competition and not more.
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