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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. In fairness there was a referendum to change that and Scotland voted to keep things the same. Hopefully Im the next election Labour being in a more competitive position will help them get back a few MPs.
  2. Good day for the relegation contenders today. Can’t see Everton having much issue now. There are worse squads with worse managers.
  3. The thing is squad strength will generally tell in the last few months. You compare the benches today and Liverpool are just stronger.
  4. Isn’t it just regression to the mean. Liverpool beat Newcastle today and will probably finish above in the league, but that’s what you would expect from respective team/squad.
  5. They let you have 3 goals, surely that’s enough!
  6. Flaw in the system in my view. I don’t think red cards in the league should stop you playing in the cup.
  7. You always fancy your chances against Chelsea because they don’t score goals. You wonder if they would be better playing Abameyang but probably feel like they need to play with their new toys.
  8. Didn’t Scotland vote for that though in the independence vote?
  9. I do wonder if the media is more likely to get involved if the person is white, middle class and more attractive than the average person. Maybe I’m completely off, but that’s my instinct.
  10. Don’t they have the same model in Germany where the same team wins the league every season ?
  11. I don’t know what they were thinking releasing that information and you think heads will roll. Seeing the coverage it also got me thinking about the media. People go missing on a regular basis, why are the media interested in some and not others?
  12. There is always some element of internal war, however the Corbyn supporting MPs probably aren’t more than 20 and those willing to give up their seats for him even lower. There may be noise on social media, but I think labour are about as united as they can be.
  13. Look at conservatives still linking Starmer with Corbyn. They are doing it as they think it wins them votes, I think it’s logical to do everything to break that link.
  14. It’s funny how 2 people can see things so differently, I though she was a terrible speaker!
  15. Where have you read that? I have read instances of both sides promoting their corn/blocking others. I just think it’s what happens when you control power. You ultimately want MPs who will be loyal. The lie never bothered me, as I always saw it for what it was. I don’t want labour to be the most honest protest party, I want them in power making things better for people. I am apathetic about RLB as a person but she would have been a terrible choice as labour leader. Do you think things would be better for labour if everyone was honest and she had become leader. Do you think the party would be more united and be in a better place to win an election?
  16. The selections were no different under Corbyn when candidates favoured by him were prioritised. It happens under every leader. In terms of the pledges, he could have been completely honest and said exactly what he intended to do. RLB would have been elected leader and her incompetency would have been a far greater weapon in the general election. I think these pledges may upset a fringe on social media, the average swing voter doesn’t care. In fact they probably think if he is turning his back on things supported by Corbyn, he is probably not doing too much wrong.
  17. From a business perspective it probably drives social media and book sales.
  18. I’m not sure who is the candidate to push the SNP on , but admittedly haven’t heard of all the contenders. As someone who wants labour to do well in the next election I hope they go for Forbes as I think her religious views would make it challenging in an election. I can’t imagine however she could get through a leadership election with these views.
  19. The trouble is Owen Jones is just a protester, full of what’s wrong, but lacking in ideas in terms of how problems can be solved in the real world, not the one he would like it to be. If Owen had his way RLB would be labour leader and the party would be more split than now. Do people think that alternative would be more likely to get the Tory’s out?
  20. Well that prediction went as well as my usual ones. Knowing how bad my predictions are can I say it definitely won’t be Forbes, the SNP definitely won’t pick someone who can’t say it’s great that 2 men can marry each other, or can get completely behind a woman’s right to choose!
  21. Am I correct in thinking labour Corbyn supporting MPs would not be allowed to endorse Corbyn or campaign for him in the election, or risk losing their right to stand as a labour candidate.
  22. No that’s not true, there was a void between the Sampras and Federer era, but that was when Henman was challenging and not Murray.
  23. I think it’s more they would prefer being in control of the opposition rather than support a conservative government, but ultimately they mean the same. I think to some it’s easier screaming from the sidelines and never having to compromise.
  24. The decision not to let Corbyn run probably (nationwide) gains more votes than it loses. Letting him run just means dealing with all the crap they are trying to move on from. He may well win as an independent, but that’s not going to really impact on when he supports labour and when he doesn’t.
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