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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. I really struggle to understand why the right wing media hate Harry so much, I am completely apathetic about him. However he seems to upset all the right people.
  2. It’s a bit of a deflating draw when you miss the premiership team twice in a row, but probably a top end of middling draw. We have a very good home record so hopefully will give it a good go.
  3. I don’t think he loves the game, it’s just a job that he was very good at during his peak. He was always going to retire after ticking off the World Cup box. From my perspective it’s a pity Wales couldn’t get past an average Irish team which could have given us a chance to see Bale nearer to his peak in 2018. As a Welsh fan I see him as a complete legend. Always turned up and gave his all, inspiring lesser players to up their game. To win 4 champions league (including winners in 2) is also his legacy.
  4. To me part of the away experience is going to the town, having a few beers and then walking to the ground. In the modern stadiums you are stuck to a costa in the retail park next door.
  5. Typical cup game with neither team wanting a draw. Not much of a fan of the Coventry stadium, lacked character and out of town. Hopefully big boy next round and concentrate on the league!
  6. Wrexham winning at Coventry, that was a lot of fun!
  7. I know they are different shades, but do city and Chelsea normally both play in blue against each other? Maybe clubs with different shades of the same colour play each other all the time and I just didn’t notice!
  8. I think we need wages at an acceptable level to retain people in social care. To do that we need to pay them a reasonable wage. At present someone working in social care is paid significantly less than someone in health doing a similar role.
  9. While you can argue about whether the NHS should supply IVF, ultimately this isn’t going to make a huge difference one way or the other. The big challenge is the aging population and the costs that are associated with this. There are also ethical questions in terms of should we be extending life at all cost, this also comes at a cost. There are people assessing whether the life expectancy and quality of life from treatments is good expenditure, I wouldn’t want to make these decisions.
  10. Social care needs to be nationalised, I can’t see how it can work in the private sector who will not pay the staff enough to retain them.
  11. On this issue I don't know what is right or wrong and I'm glad I'm not the one making these decisions. I can see both sides of the argument. I lean towards the SNP position, but also worry that some bad (non trans) people will use it to their advantage. It's encouraging Kaos says that hasnt happened in other countries, but can't be complacent that it won't happen in the future. Interesting for such a high profile issue I checked a few high profile SNP MP Twitter and it isn't even mentioned. Do they not comment on non Westminster issues, or are they just avoiding a hot potato?
  12. Sport is involved in Russia not being in the world cup which I fully support. I think that there are always debates about what we are willing to accept and not. However if a country won't let females be educated then that to me is a red line. At the end of the day it only makes that country suffer by stopping talented women contribute in jobs like doctors. To me these government crave the acceptance that sport provides and we should take that acceptance away.
  13. I think Afghanistan should now be banned from international cricket. A country who wont let women access education needs to be shunned by the sporting community.
  14. I don't think Poland are particularly poor, they are a middle of the pack world cup team who will generally get to the last 16 and then go out. I doubt there are many Saudi Arabia players that would make the Poland team. I think Saudi v Argentina was just a freak result.
  15. I don't think I have ever been asked. I would probably make a judgement on whst support was needed. I dont have manual handling training so would be cautious with someone with mobility issues.
  16. Not really, but I have a caseload and don't do adhoc stuff, so easier to manage. I think those like community nurses who constantly have new stuff coming on and off (pluse having to fit things in at short notice) are probably more restricted, it's also a bit of a postcode lottery even within a county.
  17. Same here. In Wrexham they have free parking and people use it for shopping, parking because they work locally or to get to the football. I struggle to believe it doesn't happen in Scotland.
  18. I know some do it, but I know people who have been offered same band work in acute and community who have chosen the community route because they get paid the same and save money.
  19. I agree, the issue is you make the parking free and things get worse.
  20. At the end of the day we need to encourage good people to work in hospitals. If they pay for parking in the hospital they may just move to the community where they will probably pay nothing, we need good people in both. We also people to work in hospitals at awkward shifts where there may not be public transport options.
  21. I absolutely have heard it from staff calling it a tax on wages, which I think is generally fair enough. I meant for patients.
  22. I work community NHS and hear lots of moaning about many things related to the NHS, interestingly one thing I have never heard anyone moan about is having to pay for parking. Many of my patients struggle enough to get to the hospital (with traffic) and then find a space. Making the parking free would increase demand as those looking for free parking for a shopping trip swoon in. I think the key thing is those who need free parking should get it, how you determine who they are and how you police is more challenging. I am however not ideologically stuck to the idea that everyone should be free. Where I live (not work) has free park and ride to the hospital. I think this is a good thing, but making parking free would probably result in less people using the service.
  23. While I agree there are people with that passion, let's not castigate those who leave care for other roles. Most are not moving for huge salaries, they have children to feed and bills to pay. The answer is we need to value the role more, not just take advantage of people with a passion.
  24. I struggle to make my mind up if the officials did a good job in this game. In general I thought he let the game flow and got the diving yellow card right. In my head all 3 penalties were harsh, but that's probably more down to what I think should be a penalty. The VAR team didn't overturn any. I know it's a small sample size, but I thought the world cup would be better for being played in the winter and I haven't convinced myself I am wrong.
  25. To be fair a hat trick in a world cup final isn't bad!!
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