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Everything posted by pink_triangle

  1. Thats not the question I asked. The question I asked is what it would take for fans to not support a takeover from a mega rich owner?
  2. It makes me think if 95 percent of Newcastle fans support this takeover, what crimes would a mega rich owner have to be involved in, not to have majority support from fans.
  3. The premiership holds little appeal to me. As I said if we can get to league 1 I will be happy enough!
  4. Not me I would take Ryan Reynolds and less money over these people.
  5. The funny thing is even with the money we are just as bad as we were before. Maybe some teams are just destined for failure! To be honest national league is not the best league to invest due to only 2 promotion places which means the top 10 in the league are all better than many in league 2. If you want instant success league 2 much better option with 4 promotion slots.
  6. It's mad, you now have multi millionaires owning clubs in league 2 and the national league.
  7. Surely there is a middie ground where you can hate Ashley and also hate the Saudi regime?
  8. Ashley may not be great at running a club, although there have been way way worse. He also comes across as a complete dick. That doesn't mean far worse people should get a free pass.
  9. Not recently, but out of lack of interest more than principles! My view is a football club represents so much more than all these others organisation. It's a representation of the community, it's history and tradition. Maybe old fashioned view, but I'm sticking to it. What it comes down to is that Newcastle fans can turn a blind eye to things like Khadhoggi assassination if it means they get a better centre forward. If that's what top level football is about, I would rather stay in the lower league. Our owner may have killed hundreds of people, but at least it's only in films!
  10. I will happily point fingers. I think everyone will have a line what they are willing to accept, I just can't believe anyone can draw a line which puts the Saudis on the right side. If they took over Wrexham, I would refuse to go to games out of principle. Then again I would be ecstatic just to get to league 1!
  11. So in terms of Newcastle does killing people not matter as long as they invest more money than Ashley?
  12. Isn't that indoor sports only? I am personally wary about giving the government that much power.
  13. Are you calling for compulsory vaccination? I have to say I'm on the fence about this.
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