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noisenoiseandmorenoise last won the day on September 6 2023

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  1. Continue the Supersonic Festival crossover with Sunn O))) closing the Garden + OXN and Gazelle Twin. Chuck Sun Ra on the main stage collaborating with Yo La Tengo.
  2. Yeah this seems fair. The way he had rearranged the songs does mean everything has a similar feel. 'i See A Darkness' for example did not reach the level of catharsis that I've heard live before. That said, I like Cat Stevens(!) and I thought the new songs were of a unexpectedly high standard (I immediate bought the album) so it didn't bother me. I must have missed the complaints and I think he'd agree with you on Richard Dawson. He posted on Instagram saying he loved Richard's set and the festival.
  3. Just to recap, you said people are allowed a dissenting view and I replied saying of course they are. So that is the opposite of saying he cannot hold a view. My question was regarding the way that view was expressed. A reminder that this topic was not someone asking for opinions on BPB. It was someone looking for help to identify a song which they really enjoyed . I think the kids call BBC7BBCHEAVEN's reply 'shitposting'. If you call my response gatekeeping then fine, I'll stop engaging here. I can't imagine enjoying the kind of forum where people reply to every mentioned band saying that they are dull and overrated. That seems like a dead end to conversation.
  4. Of course they are and people are allowed to question the view. Especially when it is presented in such an abrasive, uncritical fashion. Calling someone dull and wondering why people praise him is only ever going to shut down conversation or provoke a reaction.
  5. Imagine going to a wonderful festival like EOTR full of interesting, creative music. Then you come away and one of the first things you do is check the number of listens on Spotify. There is no word for the sadness I feel for you. I would though direct you to the Leeds/Reading festival which may appeal more to your tastes.
  6. I'm looking forward to your explanation of how Fred West has collaborated with well respected artists. I'll even skip the sold out tour bit.
  7. I think the 30 year career, consistently selling out tours and collaboration with an array of high profile, highly respected artists would say otherwise. But I suppose because you found him dull, you must be right and all of those people wrong.
  8. He answered to someone on Instagram* that it is a new song called 'The Water's Fine'. *What a weird world we live in where someone like BPB is active and chatty to fans on Instagram
  9. Even more bizarre is that it was Sleater Kinney. I'm devastated that I missed their Takamba phase 😀
  10. Yeah my partner was there and I heard it queuing for the Yo La Tengo q&a. Apparently he played 4 or 5 songs. I don't know how it would differ from the main show (I didn't go). Gorky 5. I hesitated as I have the singles +carrying around expensive vinyl at a festival didn't seem so sensible. Regrets now though as I'll probably never see it again!
  11. A random bad: Not buying the gorky's zygotic mynci LP at the rough trade tent. It was a step 65 quid and I hesitated - gone on Sunday.
  12. Ah no problem at all. I was fully aware that my comment could come over like a luddite/music snob/gatekeeper/man yelling at the clouds/all of the above! Back to the positives -The Jerk Yard was fantastic, always quiet and pretty much giving away wings by the Sunday. Top tip if they are there next year.
  13. Just to clarify, I love leftfield and interesting (I'd be delighted if they brought back the Late Junction slots). I guess these were meanderings on whether such a change has impacted the demographic and this is why you get more groups standing around talking and more substance fuelled shouting. If you have a crowd not that well versed in the music, for some it will be a discovery but for a lot it will be something on in the background while you chat with friends. Anyway, I won't derail more with negatives as I had a bloody great time.
  14. My 4th time but staggered over many years (I went the first time in 2008). So always interesting to see what has changed and whether it lives up to the festival in my mind. Long post ahead. The good Before going, this was my lineup of the summer. So many favourites (new and old) and I'd say that they pretty much all delivered. Hard to pick favourites but YLT delivered and that Cornelius set to end was pure joy. The Jason Molina film was it's own special bubble. Once I got passed the first 'layer ' of crowd, I found fewer talkers than I remember. The Folly update is a triumph. Toilets-especially given the epic thread (which should now have the title changed), I don't know if they made changes or more people are used to them but they were fine. The bad I get my proper grandad slippers out here- the musical variety is great but with it, there feels like a loss of roots/spirit. Every review mentioned the importance of Bonnie Prince Billy to the festival but when you are surrounded by a crowd who have never heard of him, there is a disconnect there. I see some discussion of electronica on the garden stage. Not for me. Maybe a generational thing but on the coach and walking around, so many people appear to know very little about who is playing. I'd say this also accounts for the complaints about talking. It appears that music is a backdrop to the festival instead of the other way around. The only way I see to fix the comedy/cinema crowds is through multiple performances a day. I didn't find the stages busy but I found the site busy. Meaning i didn't have that sense of wonder and discovery that I'd had at previous editions. The ugly In my mind the old Big Green Coaches have reached legend status compared to what we have today (Green Man last year was worse). Little organisation and everyone blaming someone else.
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