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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. CaledonianGonzo

    Diana Ross

    This crowd is massively, massively pissed. It's going to be incredible.
  2. Picturing you crowdsurfing taps aff as The Kooks played Jackie Big Tits on The Pyramid.
  3. Hangover, sunburns etc are preventable. They're not a reason why beautiful weather is a bad outcome.
  4. 2016 at least had a dope lineup. 2007 was near peak late noughties MOR.
  5. Such a massive improvement in my mood and vibe from 24 hours back. It's such an impactful thing.
  6. Real Enrique Iglesisas vibes
  7. The Foo Fighters have a song called My Hero? Oh dear.
  8. What's Dave Grohl up to? Macca and Boss / Macca and Foo are both recurring patterns.
  9. I seem to recall a huge singalong when Kanye did it.
  10. Moan the high in the next run. Let's see a stronger pattern and not the last run being an outlier.
  11. Tried on the garish shirts I bought on a whim for the G20 that never was. Think I'll just about get away with them.
  12. Next 48 - 72 hours is key to see that Atlantic high make a comeback and d@b that Scandinavian low the fuck down.
  13. It's one of my favourite Beatles songs and it's over-played the same way that Stairway To Heaven is i.e. not that much these day.
  14. CaledonianGonzo

    Diana Ross

    The Jubilee, man. The Platty Jubes.
  15. CaledonianGonzo

    Diana Ross

    But what about the Jubilee. Does the Jubilee mean nothing?
  16. CaledonianGonzo

    Diana Ross

    Another good review in the nationals: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/jun/15/diana-ross-review-motown-legend-still-has-the-moves?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
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