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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. It's time for the Azores Finger to start poking away.
  2. Yup. Even thin soled trainers like Converse aren't a great idea for rubble-strewn farmland.
  3. Don't options A, B and C leave your feet exposed to being trodden on to fuck as soon as you're anywhere near a crowd?
  4. Whether it's to "keep the dust down" or to soften the ground for tent pegs, given the ease with which the place can turn into the Somme nobody should be hoping for any rain.
  5. Dark, threatening vibes are the reason we're all there after all.
  6. But are there acts on and a stage in the original Glade location?
  7. Who knows what that ^ is based on....
  8. Ach well. I'm sure they have their reasons.
  9. Afterburner definitely had acts on in the daytime.
  10. My kit doesn't change - even if the forecast is for a roaster I still wouldn't set foot on that farm without rain gear and walking boots.
  11. Have we confirmed that Tricketts has bitten the dust?
  12. Yup. It's obviously not intentional or trying to be provocative. Just an oversight that someone should have picked up on. Kanye's also used it relatively recently, I think.
  13. Everything things that's wrong with today's Glastonbury In Name Only. Back in the good old days we'd buy our tickets from HMV the week before, sneak through the fence, have a campfire back at our tent with lots of wax flares whilst wearing jester hats and only then do a choreographed dance routine to Ozric Tentacles.
  14. That meme of Andy off of Parks & Rec
  15. Ha ha! Sure is lucky that Michael Eavis's family didn't establish a dairy farm there.
  16. We love to see it. A decade long piece of performance art dedicated to winding up grumpy throwback c**ts.
  17. They didn't have this back in the good old days.
  18. There might have been one left if you hadn't bought two of them, etc etc.
  19. He's played a lot though hasn't he? Maybe he opted to sit this one out. It doesn't stop fucking Blossoms, I note.
  20. Picturing these lads saving a fortune on their gas bills what with never having to heat their houses and being physically unable to take hot showers.
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