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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. Yet - we've also all seen it happen fairly frequently.
  2. I wouldn't bet on it. Quite a niche act for that time of day.
  3. I think that's also what they did with the Stones - closed off the main approach avenues and redirected people via routes that lead to the top of the field.
  4. Yeah - read a couple of reviews that have firmed up my inkling that this is where I'll be at.
  5. I'm sure the line up *was* on the line up page. I'm sure I saw it when I scrolled by......
  6. 2019's weather was the Sahara Bubble, not the Azores Finger.
  7. Yet - the show went on. Footage of the acts from that afternoon still show big crowds having fun, the bars were busy and generally the festival was a beautiful and vibrant place to be. Were there a few hungover folk seeking shade and not coping? Sure - but not a majority by any means.
  8. CaledonianGonzo

    Avalon Cafe

    Definitely rings a bell, so fair shout: they must have been told a fair while back.
  9. A mate in the same position has just bought National Express open return. Bit of a financial hit but better than missing a day.
  10. Apparently the Stones asked for Primal Scream - maybe cos they'd re-written Factory Girl to specifically make reference to them. It should have been a tap in for them.
  11. Nothing prevented you taking a seat in 2019 either. Whereas folk stand on the benches to watch acts so they rapidly become no-sit zones.
  12. Im 2019 the Rabbit Hole was where the Bimble Inn used to be.
  13. Global sounds have taken a bit of a downward dip in general this year not helped by the demise of places like The Gully / Blues and the Pussy Parlure.
  14. Cimafunk in Glasto Latino Nubiyan Twist on West Holts Pongo on the Truth Stage Capitol 1212 in The Temple
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