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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. Simz vs Bill is my tough call. Seen Simz but not Bill. Simz will go off and be one of the weekend's word of mouth smashes. The team ate foing to Simz. But Bill could pull out a Beyonce / Adele / Stormzy-style smasheroo, an 'only at G' event gig.
  2. Busier than things like Napalm Death or Denzel Curry?
  3. Not a cell phone in sight. Just people living in the moment
  4. Its a broad theme for the line-up in general, but still a lack of elder statesmen. No replacement for Gilberto Gil.
  5. CaledonianGonzo

    paolo nutini

    Thanks. Done. Still no joy I'm afraid. Not sure where I'm going wrong 😕
  6. CaledonianGonzo

    paolo nutini

    I can certainly try. But seems that maybe cos I tried one code from IP address it wont let me try with anything else...
  7. Aye. Roisin Murphy vs Jessie Ware vs Macca is painful.
  8. Was listening to Kikagu Moyo a week or two back due to some props from @The Nal Sure to be a good way to start the Saturday.
  9. Arooj Aftab the big win out of the new names for me.
  10. CaledonianGonzo

    paolo nutini

    Nae joy for the Corn Exchange. Glitched and threw me out. Does anyone have a spare code they're not using?
  11. Didn't he throw in the towel on that a few years back?
  12. They're a big name and have - or had - a big hardcore fan base. But I dunno if that translates in the setlist they're likely to perform - they won't have as many big numbers as some of the other bands.
  13. Confirmed for The Glade already. My mates Capitol 1212 also sound like they could be your thing, though the news I have is that they clash with Macca 😨
  14. That 50th branding is a bit surprising
  15. CaledonianGonzo

    paolo nutini

    Someone drawing some of the crowds away from Diana wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
  16. Assuming that The Greenhouse stage won't be back this year.
  17. CaledonianGonzo

    paolo nutini

    Sorry - no idea I'm afraid. It was 8 years ago 😱
  18. Yup - mine has done me 12 years now with no complaints. Probably pricier than the competition but has been worth it imho.
  19. Be surprised if there's not dates outside of London - Hampden is usually on the itinerary now.
  20. Late May / early June or early July seem like the likely spaces for the UK shows. Only the latter really works for Hyde Park.
  21. Well.....rules him out of G23 at any rate.
  22. I got one as well, but the cable's a wee bit short if you want to hook it to e.g. a belt loop but still take photos.
  23. You can make some gains in 3 weeks, so it will be better than nothing.
  24. He's had a spike of interest due to Eurovisuon, but that's not a like for like switcheroo.
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