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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. Think those venues are a bit ambitious.
  2. Yeah, I'm not great at sleeping if I'm not in a bed, so I can't think of anything worse. I'd start the festival buggered.
  3. Nah - you tried to pass off an anecdote as evidence.
  4. No worries. It's run by folk on here so not necessarily privy to anything that's not already made its way into the public domain. That's said, I think almost everyone got tickets this year so dunno if anyone is going to be sat at home to run it.
  5. I mean....it's not bad, but not quite as fun a booking. Particularly when noone really knows if he's still got much of a fan base any more or the field is gonna look like an Emili Sande.
  6. I think The Sun scooped that a few months in advance.
  7. Essentially- it hinges on whether Aerosmith's replacement is already hiding in plain sight on Poster #1 or there's still something juicy to come.
  8. It's got plenty of time yet to snowball
  9. Really hope so. Poster #1 lacked a real jawdropper.
  10. He's in better condition than Mr Derek and Mr Rodney.
  11. So the something that's coming is the thing that's already arrived?
  12. But it will be like a Harry Enfield sketch so the laughs will keep coming.
  13. They'll need to rip it up and start again to get it to fit precisely.
  14. People in our group trying to drum up excitement for checking out Leg and the lads 🙄
  15. The 'reduce the number of stages to fit more punters in' opinion is one I've difficulty understanding the thinking behind.
  16. Notably, a lot of those reviews were early reactions rushed out by Friday lunchtime after the album had only been out for a few hours. Will be interesting to see if they continue to hold up.
  17. The only evidence you've provided isn't what you think it is.
  18. It was a big crowd, but first time I've heard about it being dangerous...?
  19. Probably due to crowd flow cos everyone enters the field from the bottom.
  20. It's perfectly simple: things were better in the good old days.
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