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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. For those that dig it, looks like Leon's is back: https://www.leonlewis.co.uk/festivals
  2. Hopefully something awesome will be down in that corner given its proximity to the West Holts action.
  3. PSB will be a blast to be fair. Tough one to sit out.
  4. Seems to be the vibe in my camp too. Hope he returns with an absolute monster of a lead single to d@b down the doubters.
  5. Aye..its the queues that d4b down my gastronomic adventures. Usually wind up grabbing from wherever looks quietest or is handy (i.e. Piggie Smalls)
  6. The clashfinder site will be updated when the full line-up drops at the end of the month.
  7. That and In My Life I think. Which kind of adds a bit of credibility tbh.
  8. Macca's recently(-ish) started to claim to have had a hand in writing Mr Kite, which explains why it's in the set and something like Tomorrow Never Knows isn't.
  9. CaledonianGonzo

    Diana Ross

    Luckily the 6 Supremes songs she does do are also all bangers.
  10. CaledonianGonzo

    Diana Ross

    Special guests confirmed as Kevin Parker and Gru.
  11. My wife didn't realise Sam Raimi directed it and sat through it fuming that someone had ripped off all his hallmarks.
  12. Tusk, Chinese Democracy, Journey Through The Secret Life of Plants, Be Here Now, The Second Coming, etc. all got there first.
  13. The Wormhole was ace and if really was a one and done then I hate to see it. The big queues started after rumours cropped up that Damon Albarn was doing a secret set there, but we waltzed in on the Thursday and Friday.
  14. Look like an absolute liability and they'll come to you like bees round a honeypot.
  15. Does Jet usually use pyro? Maybe it's on the bench for now to save some cashews and will make a reappearance for the G?
  16. No curveballs in last night's setlist...
  17. Watch as they become the only valuable version.
  18. Where are the Manic Street Preachers private portaloos located in that shot?
  19. It is - but sadly we don't know what The Zongo Brigade did wrong to all get sacked.
  20. Lady Gaga would be the obvious one, but it's a long time ago now.
  21. Totally agree. It's a fair enough beef. No one genre should dominate quite so much.
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