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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. If putting El Spido back in is a relatively recent decision then I'd guess it will largely be the same as the last time it hoved into view.
  2. Yet Noel Gallagher still sits there, polluting the Saturday evening on El Pointo like a jobbie in a swimming pool.
  3. You can do that now in the form of Black Midi.
  4. Even better: the diagonal path that cuts down through the middle of Pennards.
  5. That's pants. Surely there were other possible places for them to wind up e.g. 4am on the Hell Stage?
  6. CaledonianGonzo

    Wet Leg

    Acoustic is the stage at the top of a hill and the crowd stands downhill of the performers. It's not ideal.
  7. CaledonianGonzo

    Wet Leg

    The Park stage is at the bottom of a natural bowl....?
  8. Does Andrew Doyle still write for Jonathan Pie or does his GBeebies gig take up all his time these days?
  9. CaledonianGonzo

    Wet Leg

    Yup. I'm oot. Unless they're on, like, second on the Other stage.
  10. Crowdsurfing as the Pamster recites The Battery Hen.
  11. Er....OK then. Lets see. Er. He's better than the shouty newsreader guy....?
  12. Yes - but we can gloss over that as he's a once in a generation comic talent.
  13. Oh dear. Albeit possibly still better then David Baddiel doing the same thing with some tweets.
  14. Cabaret Tent, though dunno if you'll get Key or Doddles.
  15. Down the front of Pam Ayres with a half bottle of rum and some poppers, taps aff when she does 'Oh, I Wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth'
  16. Amazing stuff in BCS. New series hasn't dropped a step.
  17. Aye - this has been all over social media for years now.
  18. If anything, Fannybaws himself is a victim of society. His threats to pump yer maw are cries for help.
  19. Maybe. But maybe not. She's on the list of people who would do the G as a one off special show, not necessarily as part of a bigger initiative.
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