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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. We just need a huge jannie's bucket of sawdust to cover all of Somerset with if it rains.
  2. As a Gen X-er nor sure many people of my generation give much of a fiddlers re. Timberlake. Robbie Williams is by no means universally adored but equally I don't think you could begrudge him it.
  3. Dare slaps for real....but I don't think they meet the household name criteria. Or at least Phil Oakey doesn't. They may well run out of options. The pool isn't limitless. But if Kylie can do it then Robbie Willaims very much can.
  4. Don't really feel big enough for what is - to all intents and purposes - a 4th headliner. But get em on El Pointo or West Holts for suresies.
  5. Don't think their catalogue's strong enough for such prime real estate.
  6. Much ropier proposition. Fewer belters and Tony Hadley's left.
  7. Now, probably, but Duran Duran, Take That or the Spice Girls aside there's not many contenders.
  8. I enjoyed ELO and thought they sounded great - and got the setlist bang on. But the vibe was still pretty flat, not helped by Jeff being the anti-Rod and staying largely schtum.
  9. Too busy battling the heebie jeebies, twatting them away from your head with a tennis racquet.
  10. No, I got that. Obviously theres a limit, but I don't mind a bit of crowd engagement and that's one way that appearing mid afternoon differs to headlining.
  11. Significantly more up for it crowd at El Pointo though. Strong singalong vibes.
  12. I wasn't at G2007 so cant speak to that gig in particular, but Rod has plenty of charisma. Or at least way more than folk like Jeff Lynne or Paul Simon.
  13. Different time of day, different expectations, different success criteria.
  14. Duran Duran on West Holts is the actual booking we'd love to see.
  15. Would actually agree with Rod Stewart being an ideal candidate as well, although I suspect he may be of the view a la Duran Duran that he should headline* or nothing. *again
  16. Has it been a notably wet year so far?
  17. Taps aff during the Robert Powell guest slot.
  18. Yup. Why have just one when you can have both?
  19. Another strong contender for sure.
  20. Magic Roundabout song on El Pointo, followed by The Funky Moped.
  21. Celine would be a reasonable option, but she's pretty young still (same age as Kylie) and would be a fair bit more divisive than Kylie given she's associated more with overwrought ballads than fun times.
  22. Probably - the pool isn’t exactly endless, particularly with Elton now firmly out of it and in the headliner camp. Manilow and Cliff are probably their best two remaining options. Carole King has the hits but it would be more of a low key Paul Simon-esque set than a party vibe. (I've not counted but I think more men have done it than women overall).
  23. You mean more like the least successful booking of the last decade?
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