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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. What happened the festival before that?
  2. In that case: you missed Sampa The Great and Emma-Jean Thackray at G19 😉
  3. Deltron 3030 brought out Jamie Cullum
  4. Nah - he's famous for getting by with a little help from his friends.
  5. To do frog noises on We All Stand Together.
  6. Why bring out Jay-Z when you have Tricky there?
  7. I don't know which one as I got sent a screenshot, but there's a news outlet using one of Matt42's speculative posters in place of the real thing for reporting the poster news.
  8. Can you remind me what it looks like please?
  9. If anything more hip hop should remember to have some fun.
  10. Can confirm as we saw a good chunk of it.
  11. Big difference between rappers with large arsenals of bangers and that whiney mope.
  12. Has Drake headlined any of the other big European festivals?
  13. Literally his last big European show before he self-cancelled.
  14. Dab down pride is the devil
  15. CaledonianGonzo

    Must Do's

    Just watched Avengers Endgame and the Hulk started dabbing. This movie should be banned.
  16. Never mind taps aff I'd be fully in the nip.
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