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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. Dab down @Somto Unigwe Raphael
  2. Albeit Mavis did leave her bangers back home in the locker.
  3. She's a Cure fan but didn't fuck with punchy, note-perfect versions of GOAT bangers like Just Like Heaven and In Between Days?
  4. I'm not certain of much, but I know that the Stones aren't coming back to El Pointo.
  5. We cut across the Other Stage to head to Justice (I think) when she was on and there were tumbleweeds rolling around the place. Felt pretty bad for her, even more so when I saw her supporting Chic the following year and she was actually pretty decent.
  6. Over-generous imho. Aardman Animations work experience vibes.
  7. 'Team Bill' is clearly a glib figure of speech, but I don't think she's done anything wrong - and even if I did there's no equivalence is there?
  8. Marvel dabbing down by committing to a quintet of movies starring Starfox and Pip the Troll.
  9. A Rush Of Blood To The Head is the only Coldplay album I've spent any real time with and it's alright. The Scientist is a belter.
  10. No need to apologise when self-owning, my guy. Along with West Holts, El Pointo is the best curated stage at the fest. Sure you get broad crowd-pleasing fluff like Liam Gallagher, but in 2019 the likes of Mavis Staples, The Proclaimers, Miley Cyrus, Sheryl Crow and Vampire Weekend all brought the good times. And even if neither ultimately triumphed in the moment, both Ms Lauryn Hill and Janet Jackson were still legit great bookings.
  11. It's clearly not a coincidence that since they got the new woke name they've become a better band - the two singles under the new moniker are both belters.
  12. Yup. I'm also Team Bill on this one. She should tell him where to stick it.
  13. Michael and Brian need to get over the Badger Beef and get the Queen ➕️ Adam Lambert banger extravaganza into the Legend Slot stat.
  14. The 23 minute long live version of The Man Don't Give A Fuck
  15. 'Cept Paul Draper also got me too'd.
  16. After he brings out Manson.
  17. Lady Blackbird is in Europe in June https://www.instagram.com/p/CZzuZM2vyjy/?utm_medium=copy_link
  18. Good obit here: https://www.betty-davis.com/
  19. This is relentless. 2016 vibes. RIP Betty Davis
  20. West Holts is but a pit stop on her way to the top of El Pointo.
  21. That cut to Coldplay was the funniest moment of the evening so far.
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