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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. Straight from the Easter Island Statue Head's mouth
  2. You'd rather he announced he was in the top slot on El Pointo?
  3. It is interesting to see the evidence for why guitar music is now pretty much dead in terms of popularity all laid out in one place.
  4. The Music didn't even get the call.
  5. Are you The Peacock Feathered Dark Poet or Mr Furrowed Brows Baeball Cap?
  6. CaledonianGonzo


    We didn't start the sleep now in the fire
  7. To help the dads find their dominoes.
  8. They were all disappointed as they'd misheard and thought that he goes to the lavvy as part of his act.
  9. 2013 remains the Eavis's greatest dunk on the Sunday ticket holders
  10. Sweating bullets now about securing tickets for Swizzlefest 2023.
  11. Yowzah! Looking good for my next gig to go ahead (Belle and Sebastian on the 1st Feb).
  12. CaledonianGonzo


    Dunno about that. They ran out of ideas midway through their first album.
  13. Proposed West Holts headliners 2022: The Enemy / The Twang / Hard-Fi
  14. You've not noticed the complete absence of indie bands on there?
  15. This is the first of many clues - but be careful how you answer lest you end up with Dusty Bin.
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