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Everything posted by CaledonianGonzo

  1. Are we expecting a mix of old and new acts - or largely a rebooking of the 2020 vintage? Who could be a new addition to the line-up? Inspired by Postman Plod handing this haul of goodies over to me:
  2. For one reason or another I was looking at the 2019 map and a combination of lockdown, old age and the general passing of time has done for my recollection. Oddities I spotted: - Rabbit Hole switched places with the Bimble Inn and moved halfway down The Park - Glasto Latino in the corner of the West Holts field - Something called No Average Groove - Something called Samula - And did they fix the shape of the Sonic Stage? Are you also now confused by a Glastonbury that you actually attended?
  3. Give that it's everywhere at the moment and is now The New Hype That's Dominating Lockdown, here's a genre-specific thread for all things Disco old and new - either Glastonbury-related or otherwise. No opinion on the SG lewis album yet, but here's one to kick us off straight out of Edinburgh
  4. Let's have fun now that the smiting system has been turned off.
  5. CaledonianGonzo

    Dua Lipa

    Dua's duo of disco devastators are taking up plenty of threadspace elsewhere, so here's a thread to discuss the only sub headline set guaranteed to mention John Lautner.
  6. If we say this enough and believe in it enough then we can make this happen in 2020. What say you? WHAT SAY YOU?
  7. CaledonianGonzo


    She'll fit in well
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