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  1. This, and I only knew a handful of songs at the time. Was incredible, still gives proper tingles when I watch it back. Also think Charli is great - would love to see both but we've got tickets to Lido so will catch her next summer regardless. If they end up not clashing somehow, even better!
  2. Anyone know when we can expect more music names to be announced? Have to say as a group we are extremely underwhelmed by the headliners and undercard so far (PSB aside). Compared to the likes of Bearded Theory and Victorious (both are which are considerably cheaper) Latitude looks weak AF. Need some big names adding ASAP or they'll surely struggle to shift tickets (and I'll be working on our group to consider an alternative festival)!
  3. Still Jack White tickets going on O2 Priority if anyone needs
  4. Cheers, we don't have a car so would need to borrow/ hire one. Someone on the Victorious thread said there's Big Green Bus though, might be an option. £70 for that Friday lineup is pretty, pretty good...
  5. Yeah seems so from the SW rail website, but I wondered if they might put on some extras. Big Green Bus probably an option if not.
  6. Pretty tempted by this line-up, especially Friday. How difficult is it getting back to London after the headliners? Do they put on extra trains or coaches?
  7. This is a huge step up from previous years - am pretty tempted by a day ticket at least. Has anyone been and know if it's feasible getting back to London afterwards? £180 for a weekend ticket and a really decent mix of stuff, compared to £308 for Latitude, with Snore Patrol and Elbow closing out Sunday... Hmmm.
  8. Any tipis left? For a friend. We all completely missed it was a midday start 🤦🏼‍♀️
  9. Yes, it was suitably silly and brilliant. Thanks for the reminder!
  10. Twickets - plenty have been popping up for the Thursday night at least (I've got an alert set as considering going). Nearer the time you'll probably see the Fri/Sat listed as well.
  11. Ha! Secret squirrels... 👀
  12. Exactly this - 8 hours is a LONG shift on your feet and that half hr break is extremely measly. But the vibe / actual work was fine (I'm chatty, so happy to serve people drinks) and the perks are decent. It's just missing out on a lot of other stuff is the kicker. Yep on the W/A group though it's currently dormant (and the E&D chat as well).


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