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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Googled hotels/travelodges near the site to try and work out a likely place for the sunday before, or maybe even the sunday night of the festival - unclear on the second one cos i dont know if i fancy driving when ive been on me feet all day . . .
  2. Private Life came on the radio earlier, and that got me thinking about Grace Jones and what kind of slot she'd want/demand/warrant - headlining West Holts with an unannounced Truth stage 2am bondage special too please, she'd be ace
  3. Bleh, let people spend money on what they like. If they have the £££ then go for it: there’s no such thing as a β€˜proper’ Glastonbury or β€˜what you should be doing’, it’s up to people to decide for themselves. I could lose my sh*t about people spending Β£120 on a T-shirt with a tiny black logo or whatever, but that’s up to them. You do you.
  4. balti-pie

    Guns n Roses

    It is a good’un, fair play to him! If you’d have shown that tracklisting to the 13yr old me, I’d have cried with happiness. The now 44yr old me is still chuffed to bits, I’m not going to watch any highlights and have the bbc sound mix destroy any of the gig memories I had, I thought they were ace and will continue to do so, let any of the criticising journalists think what they like, I don’t give a f**k 🀘
  5. balti-pie

    Guns n Roses

    Hmmm, they played coma at Hyde park, I’m mildly jealous now - bloody love coma. As ten minute UYI noodlings go though, we got estranged πŸ₯³
  6. balti-pie

    2024 Headliners

    I think most people would fancy one out of those three at least - middle one for me please! - even if just out of curiosity or to annoy their mates back at home
  7. Sat morning: I was on a shift at the villager’s gate. This was about my break time so I’d have been at Tom’s bar getting some croissants and tea 🀣 it was already boiling hot, sun cream had been slapped on, and the caterwauling nonsense of Rick Astley wasn’t far off drifting up the hill. I finished at 2pm and could then go and get involved in the fun properly!
  8. Me and my group have been proper organised since 2010, and at least some of us have been every year since. I used to be the charmed one who got through and got at least one group, but I haven’t even seen a booking page now since 2016 I think; so I volunteer and am there every year as long as I keep up with me obligations with oxfam, and I try and book for other people on ticket day. again though, I haven’t even seen a booking page in bloody years, so I’m no kind of oracle or ticket-harvester!
  9. Checking in. I found 2019 and 2022 a bit easier physically, cos I’d been training for and completing long distance multi day hiking paths (west highland way and speyside way) a couple of months before those respective Glastonburys, and didn’t have that in my calendar for this year; more walking makes more walking much easier for me. will keep up with yoga x 2 a month because that definitely helps, and gives me some stretches which really help as well. Working/stewarding 8hr shifts stood in one place isnt all that easy, I’d prefer to be walking for all of that time instead to be honest! But general fitness clearly makes Glastonburys better and easier, so I have to remember that on December Saturday mornings when it’s grey and I have to self-motivate myself for a little ten miler; get out there and get it done, cos late June me will think grey December me is a very good lad πŸ‘
  10. Then he too can get in the bellend bucket πŸ‘
  11. πŸ˜„ Its a Big Lebowski quote, but one i wholeheartedly agree with- its the complete lack of passion and smugness i hate. 'I've got seven women on my mind'? bellend πŸ˜„
  12. I hate the f**kin Eagles, man
  13. There's about 120 spots (out of 2500 total) Oxfam earlies, who are processing and admitting the vendors and stalls on the sun, mon and tues before it all opens up. And THEY'RE whats wrong with glastonbury festival these days?!?
  14. Run the jewels headlining west holts is the stuff dreams are made of!
  15. If its Robbie Williams, then i'll get a chance to see the rest of the site being nice and quiet while he's on πŸ‘ part of me was a bit jealous of my mate who eschewed the EJ/pyramid throng, he took some amazing pics of the tiny crowds at the Glade and Other - but everyone there was having a lovely old time.
  16. aw maaaaan, i really wanted to go to Empire State Bastard, how was it? a 1.30 stage time when i was up at 5.05 for a shift the next morning made it completely impossible! (very glad i caught em at Download this year, the pits were wild)
  17. I only say it isnt that far cos i come past on my way from the sussex coast πŸ˜„ closer than me is close!
  18. Like many people, i rocked up expecting to endure a bit, rather than enjoy (my sum total Lil Nas X knowledge was that annoying cowboy song, which isnt particularly representative of him by the sounds of it) and i thought he was bloody great, to be fair - amazing visuals, and i'd definitely watch him again - if he continues on this kind of trajectory i cant see why he wouldn't headline in the future. Though i am absolutely always up for some Ru Paul's Drag Race vibey stuff and this was right in that wheelhouse - which translates excellently to a big stage. and yeah, its always great to see someone just transcribing their sexuality and not having to hide or dim it down. Good on him πŸ‘
  19. Portsmouth isnt so far: i'd say a couple of days with the grandad and attend school, then on sat morning you can swing back/meet up and collect them, and they can have two days onsite! You get kid-free time, and they also get a window of glasto when everything's all set up, but not so much so they get too cranky/overwhelmed πŸ‘
  20. Yep, they go in the back of a 4x4 and are driven off to a few miles away and let out. Typically when they're caught, they're quite contrite and alright about it, little sign of them acting the arse from what i saw, which hasnt been much at all to be honest, in the three years ive been volunteering. In 2019 i was working on a gate and a fella was tackled by security and then pulled out a knife on them, he was disarmed of this quick smart and a few of the security took him off to a field to kick seven bells of shite out of him before leaving him there. I'd not imagine he went back too quickly. I cant say violence is a particularly constructive approach, but can completely understand it in that situation . . .
  21. Just generation sex i think: it was boiling and i'd been up since 5am working a shift, and i couldnt face anything other than the Tow and Hitch, shade, sofas and a beer or two while i cooled meself down. I missed em and i regret it, but i had to prioritise resting up a bit. If id not done that, id not have managed the stuff afterwards, so sometimes you just have to take it easy
  22. balti-pie

    Crew Bars 2023

    entry into acoustic just with an EPO only, and not an Acoustic wristband as well, is down to how busy they are at the time - if its quiet, you'll be fine.
  23. balti-pie


    My default position is always to believe people who are stating they've been sexually assaulted, and i completely agree that this all needs to be cleared before they should get booked. I don't want to smooth down any impropriety just cos i like their music, and i don't want to go in with a but, BUT the main accuser - the one who's been interviewed - her issues were that she was approached to go backstage, went and had some drinks, was apparently propositioned by Till, she declined, he got a bit huffy and went away, and nobody was assaulted or touched or anything. That doesn't scream sexual assault, in fact it screams slightly weird night out with rock star teuton. That said, the other band members distancing themselves from Till's backstage antics doesn't sound great. All we can do is see what comes out and what gets proven, and adjust our expectations/listening habits accordingly.
  24. balti-pie


    Oh god, that would be absolutely insane . . . . realistically, with their stage set up, the closed sides of the pyramid might not suit their theatrics too well. The Other might be more suitable. But they're legit massive and i know im hugely biased, but with how famous their live show is and with Glastonbury now being more open minded to heavier bands, i don't think its impossible that Rammstein might get the nod one of these years. It does tick off a little on the diversity, as they sing almost exclusively in german . . . actually if we call them world music, does that mean West Holts might suit them? πŸ˜„
  25. A mate of mine has his roof rack stolen from the blue car parks, which he's mighty f**ked off about! first time someone in my group has had something stolen, whether that be car park/tent/anywhere. Its a huge area to cover and impossible for stewards/security to see who owns what vehicle of course, but it still sucks - he'd got a big van and just getting up to the top is a pain, let alone bringing the right tools and removing the whole rack. Not q quick job. They left him the bolts on the ground next to his van, which seems extra annoying. I hope their next sh*t is a swordfish.
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