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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. balti-pie

    2024 Headliners

    Who are you, the curds police? 😁
  2. balti-pie

    2024 Headliners

    It’ll be a condition of getting a work/performing visa for Canada, you have to have poutine minimum once a week. I’m very happy to adhere to these restrictions.
  3. hmmm, im curious now! i presume someone went for the stand and squat method, and missed?
  4. Milkshake/Gravel Pit was an absolute moment of magic, bloody hell i couldnt stop my arse from shaking and i am not a dancing type at all
  5. I do, if i find it interesting. Its part of learning about stuff. Were you born with an innate knowledge of Lana Del Rey, or did you find that you had to read about and generally research her? Fair play if its the former, you're an absolute case study.
  6. Yes! i can have an opinion on things i didnt see, its a forum ya donut 😄
  7. Its quite fascinating as an outsider. Creating this diva character of Lana Del Rey gives her (Elizabeth Grant) a degree of separation from the nonsense behavior i suppose, distances her from the 'im not going on until my stylist gets here, everything must be perfect and to hell with the crowd, they will wait for me' attitude. Is this an elaborate art installation? The music isnt for me, and its so disparate, quiet and strange i can only really envisage enjoying it on headphones etc - i cant see how it can be appreciated on a huge outdoor stage. I think Woodsies - or the Astrolabe, or the circus tent - would actually make a lot more sense. She's f**ked the dog for future festivals by behaving like that, but it does add to the mystique so its a self-perpetuating bubble of gilded nonsense. Glad i didnt watch any of it, never was going to, wouldnt unless it was on a much smaller and more appreciable scale, but glad its there for people to enjoy and it does make for some fascinating observation.
  8. balti-pie

    Odd Moments

    It doesnt surprise me to be honest, Elton loves bombast and showmanship, and there's nobody else who provides such a live spectacle as Rammstein. The Till stuff is a bit worrying (though the main reported verified bit of the story seems to be - groupie is procured and propositioned, she says no, Till gets mildly annoyed and heads off, and nobody is hurt or groped at any time - the potential drugging is the worrying bit) but Rammstein don't mind playing festivals, i've seen them at Sonisphere and Download, and while they're currently touring on their own colossal stage and set up, im sure if they happened to be given the big G they'd make it happen with some planning and foresight. It would be absolutely epic, on a scale not ever seen before. I think it'd scare a few people off the field after five minutes though 😄 and the pit would have not a single eyebrow left in it
  9. balti-pie

    Odd Moments

    Its a sign 👀 Rammstein for the pyramid in 2024! what will they set fire to, other than absolutely everything?
  10. balti-pie

    2024 Headliners

    Ideally 2026, so I can go to the World Cup and not have to somehow fit that and Glastonbury together in the same period of time 🤣 selfish, I know
  11. balti-pie

    Just got back

    Good on you Skip 👍 best sets you saw?
  12. When I was reasonably recovered, that’s exactly where I went in time for dreadzone! Glade, left side as you look at the stage, lovely bit of shade, breeze popping in. Much more manageable. If Sunday was to be the same weather I’d have been absolutely knackered, I could’ve cheered when the cloud started thickening and the sun pissed off for a bit. I’m now recalibrating my ideal temps as 21/22, and with some cloud. twice daily sunscreen and still getting sunburnt is ridiculous.
  13. That stinking hot saturday in 2019 and this year’s stinking hot Saturday saw me take the same approach; down the fluids, wet the floppy hat, and retire to the Tow and Hitch to stay in the shade with the dub, the sofas and to relax with a no-alcohol beer for the isotonics. Hour or two there and I could manage things again. It’s open and a little breeze makes it a blissful spot. It’s now my oasis of reasonable comfort and I’d now like to get Fuzzy in there the next time it’s just too hot 👍
  14. balti-pie

    2024 Headliners

    Foo fighters? f**kme. Absolutely bloody not. Enough of his bollocks already.
  15. Being a bit useless, I put this in the ‘prices of things’ thread when it’s much more appropriate here: so here goes again: Didn’t really feel ripped off at any time, and a couple of things felt like really good value: the tikka daal at the Goan fish curry seems to have been £8 for decades amazingly, it’s a lovely dish and a right bargain. Miss it already! Pietanic in t+c did an absolutely great pie with lovely chips, with gravy and some pickled kimchi stuff for £11 - that was delicious and filling and everything I could want from a pie. And I know my pies, as my username and pic can attest. The hot dog stall next to em was great quality and £7.50, I paid £12 for a dogshit hot dog at download and this was so laughably superior it was almost funny. beef rendang at Malaysian coconut curry was everything I’d anticipated, and I finally had a bash of the Lebanese meze at the park: PRECISELY what I needed. I swear stuffed vine leaves are a cheat code to fix my ills, I bloody love em. £11 for a great big plate of deliciousness, I’d easily pay £15 in a restaurant and that’s not in the midst of a bloody dairy farm: I was broadly very happy with the prices 👍
  16. Didn’t really feel ripped off at any time, and a couple of things felt like really good value: the tikka daal at the Goan fish curry seems to have been £8 for decades amazingly, it’s a lovely dish and a right bargain. Miss it already! Pietanic in t+c did an absolutely great pie with lovely chips, with gravy and some pickled kimchi stuff for £11 - that was delicious and filling and everything I could want from a pie. And I know my pies, as my username and pic can attest. The hot dog stall next to em was great quality and £7.50, I paid £12 for a dogshit hot dog at download and this was so laughably superior it was almost funny. beef rendang at Malaysian coconut curry was everything I’d anticipated, and I finally had a bash of the Lebanese meze at the park: PRECISELY what I needed. I swear stuffed vine leaves are a cheat code to fix my ills, I bloody love em. £11 for a great big plate of deliciousness, I’d easily pay £15 in a restaurant and that’s not in the midst of a bloody dairy farm: I was broadly very happy with the prices 👍
  17. His low register is still spot on, he just needs to approach the high bits differently. Elton managed it with Goodbye yellow brick road, get the crowd to sing the really high bits!
  18. Exactly the same as me, tbf 🤣 saw her once, thought it was deeply ordinary, saw no reason to repeat it at all. (Would say the exact same thing about Royal Blood too, though they were good in 2014 and deeply average in 2019 - law of diminishing returns innit)
  19. I thought that in 2014, and she’s wrung another nine years out of it tbf
  20. They were absolutely bloody great weren’t they? The field was so up for it and into them, it was the perfect combination of time, venue, place, sound system, people, band, everything. Just 😊
  21. Ban em in the pit, keep em in the rest of the field for the spectacle 👍
  22. 🤘Ah, this is tricky: but right now I’d go for; 1) Elton Hercules John. Just so big and iconic, everything was perfect (ok, maybe not the guests etc, but if he wanted to do it, then who am I to argue 🤣) 2) Kelis was just great in every way - the crowd were ace, the atmos was lovely, she was amazing, and my favourite Kelis track got spliced with my fave Wu-Tang tune and my head nigh on exploded with the awesomeness 🥳 3) ho99o9 on the truth stage - fag paper between them and Skindred, both were amazing and especially one after the other - I finished my shift at 9:45 and legged it from the other side of the site, making it in time courtesy of 2 x canned bangers of imperial stouts and getting my hike on. Ho99o9 are incendiary and so energetic live they even got me leaping around in a moshpit despite my f**ked legs and feet! few other seriously excellent mentions - Young Fathers, lil nas x, the Hu, Elvana, not a single bad vibe at any of the performances I saw. Always west holts for the best atmosphere though, in front of the mixer is such a brilliant place to be
  23. balti-pie


    This is alarmingly small time, but I checked the ticket of bbc presenter Alice Beer at the village gate. No other celebrity spots this year, and perhaps it doesnt really count, cos I didn’t recognise her and only recognised the name about a minute afterwards (my first thought was ‘I know that name? Is that one of my patients? Oh FFS’)
  24. They do look really really similar, it’s a bit sh*t - I thought that on Monday when I got here. Though I’ll be honest, my main moan was that it won’t look good on my hat, having consecutive years in the same sort of hue 🤣 21st century problems, I know
  25. Ac/dc wouldn’t be impossible yknow. I’m sure bloody Grohl will be on the blower, Axl seemed to enjoy himself, Lars loves the place, Lemmy played, some of the totems of metal and hard rock have finally been chiselled into, and you don’t get any more hard rock lineage than ac/dc. Bung some dollar at them and make it happen dammit!
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