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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. balti-pie

    Guns n Roses

    I thought they were great (Just got back to me tent and lying down resting my poor bastard feet!) and surprisingly polished and professional! Ok, Axl’s voice isn’t like it was in the eighties, but that’s what happens with metal singers with a high pitch, Judas Priest work wonders with mic distortion with Rob Halford - they could do something vaguely similar with Axl. But he actually seemed decent, wasn’t the classic massive bellend of previous, and obvs it was pretty much all about Slash, who was amazing. That’s not new news though, he’s Slash. setlist could’ve done with a trim, though personally I was right chuffed with estranged and double talkin jive. All told it was an 8/10 and I was steeled for a 6. Better than expected 👍
  2. I know other festivals are other festivals and it’s not a comparison etc etc, but I was at download a couple of weeks back and if you think Glastonbury is bad for shade: a racetrack is a hundred times worse. I’m in the greenfields at the mo (hence being on my phone!) and there’s loads of people having a nap in the shade, it’s findable though of course annoying to have to miss bands. I’ve never been a sun worshipper, always preferred autumn days #teamfuzzy but it’s a matter of prioritising; I like to not die, so I’ve got to avoid the sun when i can
  3. balti-pie


    The people staying at hospitality are absolutely desperate to let you know they’re at hospitality at every single possible conversation. I was working on a gate on weds and thurs and had the same conversation with at least a hundred of them; “oh, I’m in hospitality, do you know where it is? Here’s my wristband. I know it’s straight ahead and to the right, but can you tell me again so I can impress people behind me? Thanks “
  4. Ah ffs, my shift ends at 22:00 and I’ve got to get from Mary’s gate to skindred! That’ll be a bloody battle
  5. Drove down to Glastonbury town today, a fairly leisurely four and a half hours along the south coast and up, and now I’m in a travelodge with me feet up! Into the oxfam field at 10am tomorrow for a couple of days of nosing around and taking it easy before everyone rocks up on Wednesday 👍
  6. balti-pie

    Beer Prices

    Brooklyn Special effects is the absolute don of NA beers, so I’m really quite chuffed to see it - albeit a fiver a can is a bit mean in a staff bar, that’ll equate to £6 on public bars I’d have thought
  7. I will accept a wet Tuesday, even though it threatens to scupper pint plans with other workers (well, it’ll make em a bit more moist, I suppose)
  8. Earth wind and fire was an awful lot of fun, but i dont know if i'd go as far as to say it was one of the greatest sets of all time
  9. whats the bloody point of casual fridays if you cant wear shorts? what possible justification do they have for staff not being able to wear shorts? I'd presume skirts are absolutely fine, no? you should rock up in a skirt. i'm often jealous of a good scottish kilt, imagine the air around your nethers! blissful!
  10. I was at download last week and it was really bloody hot, 28 for the fri/sat/sun - but what compounded that was the ridiculous lack of shade in the arena. mid-afternoon sunday i was seriously wilting and had to head out to the village probs a 15 min walk out away from the stages to find the underprogrammed comedy tent for a little twenty minute nap and some time away from the sun. It was packed with people doing the same thing. Its so much easier to find shade at glastonbury, 28 degree days arent as hard work and are more manageable - but i'd still prefer a completely easy to manage 22 degree day that just necessitates one bit of sunscreen application in the am and you can even dare to have a pint or two without getting a splitting headache cos of dehydration. still #teamfuzzy here
  11. 4.30 this afternoon, though if me ward manager slopes off then i might get out a bit earlier 😊 tomorrow i'm sorting out a few bits n pieces, sunday driving down, travelodge in glastonbury town on sunday night to go see the abbey and the tor, and then onsite monday as soon as the oxfield opens. Tent up, camp sorted, and two days of relaxing before the shifts etc start
  12. The perfect time to bust out the fizzy snakes for all and sundry! i never underestimate the importance of snacky things when it all gets a bit cold, boring and tiring
  13. balti-pie

    The churnups

    im finding this all very useful, as im working and really want shift pattern C - it would suit all my lineup needs - and i can now use the possibility of Foo Fighters being on during this time to swap me into it, and other people out of it so they can see em. I've got zero interest in watching them, and most people would love to. perfect 👍
  14. they were in 2022 - Tow and hitch had a couple on, and i think Broke Britain in Unfairground as well - but they do run out fairly quickly (sometimes before the festival even starts) and then get replaced by whatever the main site beers are
  15. It was £6.80 at download for a pint of Brooklyn pilsner, so if it isn’t £6 a pint it won’t be very much more. £6.20 at the most I’d say. (It was a lovely pint too, no doubt enhanced by it being bloody 28 degrees all weekend!)
  16. for me, Rammstein/RATM/MCR would be absolutely fine, then i can skip the last headliner and get some lovely quiet traffic out of the site 😄
  17. whats it like in direct sunshine? does it heat up a lot inside? insulating it would be a big job, and also take away from the internal space - the bed across looks good but not for people over 6ft! good conversion job though, and thanks for posting pics: im really nosy and love having a look inside converted vans!
  18. im in this weird limbo, post download and pre glasto, three day stretch at work - manically busy this morning, still lots to do, but i'm about 50% checked out and they just shouldnt expect much out of me at all. Quite fancy a big tall cold drink and then to find a circus tent to have a wee little twenty min shuteye in, but they're seemingly thin on the ground in this damn hospital
  19. FFS man, think of my knees! 😄 im 44, i cant bounce all day like i used to!
  20. 100%! A great club - lovely stadium right next to the St Pauli district, really friendly and welcoming, great atmosphere, and generally very worth going over for a game. Think i paid 14 euros for a terrace ticket. It helps that i saw a magnificent game too, 2-1 down going into the last minute, and managed to grab a 3-2 win. The good guys!
  21. Football shirts are out for me, unless it’s a thoroughly leftfield team like Union Dt Gilloise, or Flamengo, or Inverurie Locos. Pick something interesting! Standard southern blokes wearing Liverpool or Man United shirts (and calling other southern blokes ‘scousers’ or ‘mancs’ accordingly based on their glory hunting choice when a ten yr old kid) is a ridiculous sight, and tends to degenerate conversations accordingly. There’s no need for division, parochial arguments and all that, park it at the gates and get back to it in august. It’s summer!
  22. Um, this is my exact packing list. But with separate driving clothes left in the car, too. Are you spying on me? 👀
  23. I used to work for a company that supplied Yeo Valley with machinery bits, so I was in regular contact with them - they sent me an absolute stack of vouchers for free festival yoghurt, basically for me and everyone who was there with me - must’ve got through at least two big pots a day each. Wonderful stuff and I still miss them too, I’d even happily pay 😊
  24. I don’t think it’s particularly wheaty at all - German style Weissbiers are a bit lighter and less claggy than the Belgian ones like Hoegaarden, and the adjunct/grapefruit will lighten it up a fair bit too. Predominantly down to yeast strains, I think. this is ultra nerdy beer chat 🤣 can I be the first to say brettanomyces? There. I said it! There’s always cans of schofferhoffer in Morrisons, it’s definitely worth having a bash to see how you get on, it’s a great daytime beer and doesn’t seem to need refrigeration as much as other lighter beers do. A good addition to the beers box
  25. Pineapple yes - and I’m dying to make a schofferhoffer lilt by splitting it with the grapefruit - but I’ve not seen or heard of the pomegranate, I bloody love a pomegranate, me 😆
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