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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Gates open at 10am, but you'll not be able to register/get wristbanded til 1pm i think 👍 just FYI!
  2. good on you earlies people! i'm going to be heading to glastonbury town on the sunday this year, ive never been up the Tor or to the Abbey so quite fancied doing that on the sunday: ahead of a big dinner, a night in a travelodge and a little 20 min drive to the oxfield to set up on the monday morning. Much better to do the four hour drive on sunday rather than through monday morning traffic . . Cant bloody wait now!
  3. balti-pie

    The churnups

    This. Except i might get a shift and be working. If i can work while its the Foos or the Chili Peppers, that's absolutely fine: if im working during Pulp i might cry a bit. It should be lovely n quiet at The Comet Is Coming if everyone else is at the pyramid wondering who itll be
  4. still holding his pint though, like an absolute PRO
  5. Arancini stall was where manic organic used to be, opposite and up a bit from greenpeace on the way to the railway line. I had arancini balls for dinner tonight inspired by people talking about em in this very thread 😊 I love them dearly
  6. Yep, rated to keep you eight degrees cooler inside than out. It legit works, it makes daytime naps/sleeping after a nightshift quite possible instead of being a baked nightmare
  7. i got the email on june 2 last year (and got the earlies too, they were good! but its a bloody long time camping - havnt put myself down for them this year)
  8. You had me at proposal 🤣 shifts permitting, this is a deeply wonderful plan (ho99o9 on the Truth stage afterwards are really, really bloody good too, if you like electro hip hop punky metal)
  9. Love a bit of yoga and will defo pop along. Did power ballad yoga and some actual proper yoga in the greenfields last year, enjoyed both in differing ways!
  10. Nothing better than walking down to the MCG on a drizzly day for the footy, in my scarf (purple, obvs, up the Freo!) for a stack of beers and a four n twenty pie, ready to roar some abuse at the umpires 🤣 then off to lygon st for a slap up meal. Love it!
  11. This man does it proper. Never walk past a food stall that you really like the look of, don’t promise yourself you’ll go back there later on: go and get that tasty thing NOW because a) you deserve it, and b) you won’t find it when you’re starving hungry! I normally have a veggie day, and had a vegan day last year - will defo do that again, just cos I get to eat more stuff that I really like the look of 😊
  12. Working, so just diesel to get there - about £60 there n back, £50 on beer and food to bring with, I get some food tokens for my shifts so I’d look at about £300 spends all things considered - fifty notes a day to eat and drink whatever I like the look of. So £400 in total I reckon
  13. i dunno, a Melbourne winter can be absolute misery, they do a fine line of grey drizzly june days there (doesnt stop it from being a magnificent place to live though, i love the place!)
  14. dependant on shifts, so subject to change ofc, but at present: friday - Kelis saturday - probs LTJ Bukem at the temple (for me, anyways) sunday- Elton but im most excited for skindred and ho99o9 at the Truth stage on thursday to be honest, so thats doubtless when my shift will fall . . . .
  15. balti-pie

    Royal Blood

    I'd like to know more of this story, its tickled me already 😄 did he want streaky? nobody wants streaky. Back bacon or no bacon!
  16. when you get there 👍 you can get to the oxfield from 10am to 8pm on the mon or tues!
  17. Fuck yeah. Phones can go on airplane mode and be used as a camera and pedometer only!
  18. For me it’s in those little two minute chats with a complete stranger - in the queue for a toastie, by the sink, waiting for a band, next to you in the circus tent, awaking from a nap above the letters and discovering a little set of people three feet from you, and having a chat to em about anything and everything - and then as quick as it started, off they pop or off you pop with a ‘have a good festival’ and you’ll never see em again but they’re a good’un and you can just tell, straight off the bat. Just little interactions with decent people from everywhere.
  19. i did almost exactly the same thing, the same year - but i left my ticket stub in the car dashboard, like an absolute bloody idiot. Carried all the bags/straps/inexplicably heavy shit to the gate through the shin deep rutted mud, then subsequently back to the car to get my prick of a ticket stub, and then back to the gate again, and subsequently to the campsite. Couldve happily cried, i knacked my back a couple of weeks before the festival courtesy of an aggressive patient and my god, that sucked, camping was a bloody nightmare. I have to admit i did chuckle at your story though, sorry . . . its shared trauma!
  20. Will defo be there for the good stuff on the Truth stage, and will amble around a couple of times to see the general lie of the land, but the music isn't really my thing and late nights are increasingly less my thing 😄 bed at 2am is late doors, and i quite like the tiered seating in the circus tents after the headliners (with a big old bit of cake)
  21. That was 2005, and the first night I ever spent at Glastonbury 😊 then it absolutely shat down with three inches of rain in a couple of hours, and everything flooded just a few yards from where we camped 🤣 excellent introduction to the place
  22. S5 is a postcode in Sheffield, it’s quite possible it’ll be a big outdoor home show
  23. I love listening to a drop of rain on the tent, so im willing to accept a daily 20 min shower at some point between 7.30 and 8.30, to make my morning ablutions seem heroic - and to keep the dust down. then it can climb to a max of 24 degrees with scattered clouds and patches of bright sunshine. suntan lotion is just about justified, but it doesnt need re-applying, and i wont be all manky and sticky. Thats what i request, and i will take no further questions (or abuse) on this matter.
  24. id be quite up for the roaming team response role, going round the tracks around the mega-fence would be pretty cool for the terminally nosy - and the roles you end up being parachuted into could be quite varied as well. Would 👍
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