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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Thats the one i have! Its very decent. I've previously used yer standard inflatable mattress and this is laughably superior to that. Though i tend to lay it down, put a folded duvet on it, and then sleep in a sleeping bag on top so its extra comfy. YMMV dependant on transport options!
  2. An absolutely beautiful walk, and the top half is the best by far! Bit bloody hilly though 😄 i live by the south downs, and have hiked the south downs way in full, and bits of it pretty much weekly for as long as ive had legs - i thought i was great at hill hiking. west highland way is absolutely next level hills 😬 I hiked the speyside way last year, that was lovely too but a fair sight easier and with an awful lot more whisky on the route 👍 perfect glastonbury prep!
  3. ho99o9 in the earache express in 2017 remains one of my top 3 glastonbury things ever, (possibly lifetime things ever!) it was absolutely mindblowing
  4. one day itll be back, i hope/pray/fervently wish
  5. Earache records: they've been booking a few heavier things for Glastonbury the last few years - since 2017 i think? Typically on the Truth stage, but they've had the earache express as well - i'd dearly love for that to come back, it was amazing
  6. ho99o9 😃 that is going to be OFF THE CHARTS skindred too, magnificent!
  7. Its a ten min walk outside gate B, and the car park is next door so there's no huge carry of stuff for miles - which is great for those of us who bring duvets, pillows, all that jazz . . .
  8. I am one of them myself, so should recognise you quite readily 😄 welcome aboard! (though you'll miss us if you're going in July!)
  9. It might be for FMS companions i suspect - one for the companion and the 'free' one for the volunteer
  10. Like most, I fell into volunteering due to not getting a ticket for 2019 - but before then I always fancied being part of it, and suspected that I’d fall into working my way there at some point. Now I’m in the oxfam eco system and able to keep going year on year with fairly minimal fuss it’s great, and easily worth a few hours of volunteering during the fest. I’m never there for the lineup anyways, I like much heavier stuff that’s much under represented, so I like to go for basically all of the non musical reasons. Adding on raising money for a decent charity is another good thing that comes out of an all round very rewarding experience.
  11. It feels amazing at the time, but to be honest it makes everyone else much more noticeably stinkier by comparison. Plus it takes away the unimpeachable, incomparable bliss of the Monday shower when you’re back at home 🤣 in summary: showers at festival, meh
  12. I’ve never been to Pilton despite being to loads of Glastonburys, so this is my Tuesday job for me as well (assuming the weather is halfway acceptable)
  13. The point on Wednesday afternoon/evening when me whole group comes together at last, workers/punters/mates, and we sit in little piles on the floor somewhere - might be in the Other field, could be in t+c, dunno yet, it’ll be a moveable feast - and we all compare arrival stories, look at our shifts/band schedules, and grin like absolute idiots at each other 😊
  14. I’d say if you’re on a pedestrian gate you’ll very definitely feel part of it - especially on weds morning, everyone’s thrilled to be there and you’ll be a hero helping them get in. It’s more worky if you’re on a vehicle gate, but I find being a tiny wee cog in a bloody massive machine to be quite satisfying - finish your shift, take off your tabard and go have a sit down with a pint at the back of a set, and you can look round and think yeah, I helped this happen, if only a little bit 👍
  15. My first oxfam was 2019, I was on a vehicle/staff gate in the SE corner that was reasonably steady in terms of busyness, and went by pretty quickly. Last year I got the pre fest shifts and was at a different vehicle gate, which was locked - so for 24hrs I was telling people that a gate was locked and we couldn’t do anything about it 😆 it was mega quiet, but I’m pretty good at waiting things out so just cracked on. Don’t mind quiet or busy, give me a whatever and I’ll get on with it
  16. Same brewer makes them all - carlsberg, Tuborg and Brooklyn (someone find that Duff Beer pic with the huge brewing vessel piping off into three vats 🤣) but I’m glad they’re sending some of the alright stuff instead of the dreadful pisswater 👍
  17. Too much bloody dance music. especially after midnight. Too many annoying people on drugs who cant handle it Too many annoying drunk people who cant handle it (and the latter two take up too much of the medical services, for which they should be charged/tarred and feathered)
  18. i think there's definitely something cathartic and healing there. i'm a fairly pragmatic and practical thinker, not one for woo or fairy-related solutions to things, but i find the glastonbury site really, really lovely to be at - the very first time i came through the gates i felt immediately comfortable, despite the 200k people cavorting around. Its very hard to explain, people can try and describe ley lines etc to me all they like but i dont want to be any more scientific (or non-scientific) than just to say that its a place of great happiness and some of that happiness is lying residually in the corners of the field, to be picked up and bathed in a bit if you need it. The more i go, the more time i spend in the greenfields, and taking part in a bit of yoga etc. I love the simplicity of yoga - stand like this, move this bit, breathe in, lie down, do as you're told and dont think about anything. Its really not what i expected me to do when i first went in 2005 😄 i hope you can find a couple of spots that make you feel better, wherever they may be onsite 👍
  19. Some people have to fill their time, some people are good at waiting and can happily do a whole lot of nothing. I'm very, very much in the latter of that 😄
  20. Its great going as staff, when you've been a punter and been in those fields so often - you know the site really well, and you'll now get to go into the bits between them, and its wonderful! Imagine the whole site pristine and clean on the tuesday, all those open fields . . . this year you'll get to stroll around it all!
  21. sticklinch isnt far from the big co-op, they were flogging bags of ice last year so im sure they will this year too - of course if its hot theyll run the risk of running out, but they top stuff up overnight.
  22. woop! fantastic stuff! persistence sometimes chisels out a sliver of luck, good on you!
  23. In other news, congrats on the ticket win, you've been really methodical and thorough in sourcing alternative routes into the festival (based on your messages on here) so you definitely deserve it, good on you!
  24. . . . 👀. . . if I say hello Paul (tm) will it get me a ginger nut?
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