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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. I was gonna bung in a caveat about it only being my go-to place during the festival proper, due to the brothers bar. Its astonishing how pints of their sweet coldness seem to detrimentally affect everyone's ability to use a bin, cos the mess round there is staggering - and on the other side of the very same field its a hundred times better. Do pears really ensure a lack of eye/hand co-ordination? (in before someone points out that pints of brothers contain basically no pear whatsoever πŸ˜„)
  2. If i'm wandering around and have nothing on my schedule, West Holts is typically where i'll find myself. Its a nip round the corner to t+c, tends to have interesting music, has reliably good food stalls, and tends to be much lower on the knobhead count
  3. Much more of a Glastonbury booking, with how the pyramid stage loved a bit of zauberflote back in the day πŸ˜„
  4. 72-75 he absolutely would've done, if it existed at the time
  5. You can elevate a boring, run of the mill digestive by placing a little slab of cheddar atop. Absolutely magnificent. I dont think you can elevate Coldplay by the same method, but its worth a bash
  6. This'd be the third appearance of BMTH in the last decade, wouldnt it? Thats Chris Martin territory!
  7. balti-pie


    Its mega eclectic, which is a great thing! i just wish they'd scatter some of the new and the old around a bit, instead of splitting them up. Wonder if it informs the setlists they'll be picking? saturday more reliant on the 13/think tank kind of songs, and sunday all over MLIR and Leisure?
  8. balti-pie


    Thank fuck ive got saturday tickets, i bloody hate Weller πŸ˜„
  9. In the wider sense of metal being anything loud, challenging, raucous etc etc - not in an interminable guitar solos/hairspray way! It was Earache records that booked em, they definitely tweeted that beforehand. Their influence might be small, but its definitely there in the SE corner (thankfully)
  10. A mate of mine used to radio commentate for Southern Counties, covering the mighty Shots - so I managed to finagle my way in there loads of times, drinking tea and eating sandwiches in the media centre (🀣) at the Rec. this is George Borg era Shots, it was lots of fun and I’ve got a lot of affection for em since then!
  11. Earache stage wasn’t there last year, but they did put a few bands on the Truth stage (Bob Vylan, Pigsx7, Nova twins, Dub war) and hopefully the earache express will be back in one form or another - whether a small stage again or back to the absolute madness of the tube train 🀘
  12. That’s hugely useful, ta! It’s a bit dependant on which days I can get off work, but it’s food for thought πŸ‘πŸ»
  13. i saw Jurassic 5 just beforehand, not sure what made me leave and go to Skrillex! i'm blaming the missus of the time though, i'm sure it wouldve been her fault . .
  14. I was watching Skrillex instead of arcade fire, and i have no idea who is winning and who is losing out of that little battle. Not me though, i suspect
  15. Might end up volunteering at Latitude this year, cos of how the oxfam thing has fallen (other festivals falling off their roster, needing to do 2 to get priority, etc etc) and while the lineup is pretty slim pickings, i think there's enough there to while away a pleasant middle class weekend πŸ˜„ Pulp, Young fathers and Bob Vylan would keep me pretty content as three headliners go
  16. double Metallica, or one Metallica and one Guns n Roses? i think Download will stick
  17. the first time you erect it will always be the trickiest- now you've stretched the material a bit, and bunged some poles into their respective sockets, itll be a bit easier next time. Good work! where you thinking of camping to give it a run-out?
  18. I think you might be getting your Ryan Adams and your Bryan Adamses mixed up, the latter only has crimes against music to answer for πŸ˜„
  19. down with Barlow! tax-dodging ultra dull shitbags should be stopped at all costs!
  20. Verdant and Pressure Drop (two of my favourite breweries) run a bar together in Hackney, and it’s a right belter of a place with consistently excellent beer. So I want them to sponsor and supply the bars with all their magnificent tipples πŸ‘
  21. Ok, I’ll be first to say it. Awooga πŸ™ƒ
  22. I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after to upvote this post. I do have suggestions for the set list but I could not be happier with Priest on the pyramid. Rob would fucking love it!
  23. He apparently has an extra, centrally located, pulmonary node alongside his two normal lungs. Which surely counts as cheating if youre a singer!
  24. Caribbean queenNow we're sharing the same dreamAnd our hearts they beat as oneWith five lungs on the run
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