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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. I have this very tent, it’s superb. It’s a ten minute job for one person, from bag to completely up and everything hunky dory. It’s a beaut 👍
  2. Now i've worked it a couple of times, but the thought of going back to being a punter: having the campsite setup as so much more of a logistical pain in the arse, and not being able to have a nice sitdown and a pint in the staff bars - well it just doesnt appeal to me. Im well aboard the oxfam train and there i shall stay
  3. Its absolute rank stupidity. I walked past the back of Liam Gallagher's other stage set in 2019 (2019? 2017? i dunno. whenever it was!) and i cant stand his solo stuff or oasis at all, its dreadful nonsense, but i was only walking past - that was enough of an experience from me. I dont have to shit on other people's enjoyment in the field, i can come home and do that on here 🤣😎
  4. You're the Sweet Child O' Hers i guess
  5. itll be a breeze, to be honest. Expect a hubbub on the train from Reading onwards, but in terms of queues for the buses from Castle Cary, itll be absolutely fine. If you're particularly fussed about having a seat, you could go from Brighton to Paddington and start from there, rather than jump on at Reading - but its not too far a journey from Reading, maybe a shade over an hour? I'd not expect a seat, but would expect to get on with no problems at all. Wednesday would be much more of a pain in the arse.
  6. They've just stated mid-morning at the mo - typically on the day they tend to announce a specific time via social media, but itll be around 11am ish based on previous years. Could be 10.30, might be midday, but if you've cleared the decks for that morning, chances are you're best placed to give it a decent bash. Good luck!
  7. £90 for ac/dc in about 2015ish is the most i've paid - im not too keen on stadium gigs and there's not really a band i'd shell that out for these days. I've got tickets for Blur at wembley this year but that's only because of the NHS half price tickets - without that there's no (other) way i'd fork out a hundred quid for a gig. Prefer smaller things and smaller venues in particular!
  8. Bohemian Rhapsody is an absolute bag of shit in a tumult of terrible rock biopics. i just hate the recurring theme of 'and of course, Queen were the first band ever to do it' from guitar solos, to clapping, to wearing specific clothes on stage, its all thanks to holy Queen, amazing Queen, all geniuses, aren't they all just amazing! bleh. shite
  9. Elton John on Arcadia rumours start here 🥳
  10. Everything 75 and before is damn good, and everything after then is very much in need of a prune, to be honest 😆 I wouldn’t tell him that though, he’d not appreciate it very much
  11. Rob Halford would be 10000% up for playing and I think Priest would be bloody ace on the pyramid. I’d also want a 2am secret truth stage set playing Painkiller in full, please 🤩
  12. I saw Billy Ocean at the hop farm about 6-8 years ago, classic afternoon fun singalong stuff - he’s a great showman, it wouldn’t quite suit the legends slot really but as an aperitif to someone a bit bigger I think it’d work a treat. The key change in ‘love really hurts without you’ is genuinely a magical moment 🤣
  13. The Campaign for Red-Haired Harridans (CRHH) has already got me in their sights tbf
  14. I’m amazed that people think Florence has a better live singing voice than Axl, they both sound a bit ropey to me but Axl is at least fronting a rock band where an abrasive sound is a whole lot more appropriate. I can’t think of many other singers with such a difference between recorded and live than Florence, I think she’s got a bloody dreadful voice (standard ‘this is my opinion and feel free not to agree with it’ proviso)
  15. balti-pie

    Brixton Crush

    I went over to France for euro 2016; at the parc des princes it was easy to set up a cordon, and it worked a treat. quick, organised, logical. It was absolutely shite at the stade des Frances though, the queues were monstrous and everything was crap. It’s so dependant on the area immediately around the ground and the logistics. I wasn’t surprised when Liverpool had all their issues at the stade des Frances at the champs league final last year, it’s just a really badly run stadium
  16. balti-pie

    Brixton Crush

    Not really, it’s on th crossroads of a side street that’s about twenty yards from a really busy high street, and maybe a couple of hundred yards from a tube station. It’s always busy, from 7am to midnight pretty much. They could cordon off the side street and keep people there before allowing them near the front doors (as they have done a few times when I’ve got there early on occasion) but the main doors open on to the street and you can’t easily set up a cordon. mostly unconnected news, but UEFA have rules about the area around a stadium when they’re using them for football tournaments - you have to have a security cordon a good hundred yards from the stadium for a ticket check and bag search. At some stadiums it’s not a problem at all, but at others it’s a monumental ballache and involves all sorts of stretches of temporary fencing and shit-tons of security staff. Extra logistics for a tournament every four years, but a right pain for Brixton academy six nights a week - I hope they can set it up in a decent, safe way for everyone involved
  17. Cockmill is one of the very first fields to fill up - if youre not in the overnight queues on tuesday, or have a working/volunteering colleague to put your tent up for you first thing wednesday, you'll be looking for the other one. But the other one is changing next year apparently, wicket is going to be taken over for disabled camping, so its not clear where the other kids field will be yet!
  18. i am a metal head, and would like to get aboard the Slipknot train
  19. Knocked Loose are very decent, i'd be all over them. And Blackpink, but (quickly googles their ages, sighs in relief) blimey they're quite the ahem, spectacle 😄 very hard not to sound like a colossal pervert there! ah well, mission failed
  20. This, word for word. With the weird exception of Ray of light, which is really decent (William Orbit etc). My ex-missus was a huuuuuge madonna fan and played her all the time, which wasnt much fun as i pretty much hated her. (madonna, not the ex 😄)
  21. im 67209, and i signed up in march 2008 as i wanted to know if the Flaming Lips would be playing that year 😄 They didnt, but have since played twice, with me in the front row both times!
  22. You'll have to speak up, i'm wearing a towel
  23. Listen son, i want to pick my side and stick to it, and insult whoever happens to be my opposition!
  24. Hungry, hungry Homer is my favourite episode, but i'll be honest i saw it absolutely years ago and have desperately avoided re-watching it, lest it be shite. I dont like having to update my opinions.
  25. login details and payment info for the deposit, thats it for a couple of weeks until we can all log back in and complete the profiles etc 👍
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